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The rain fell as soft as a feather, but for this particular Pokemon, it seemed to fall down harder. She had no protection from the rain. She only had a purple scarf that wrapped around her neck twice and only had 3 inches left. Her name was Guinevere. Unlike her friends, she is fully female.

Guinevere was a Kirlia, and she had some really rough memories from her childhood. She's 15, but the memories were just pounding on her mind. 

She was born as a beautiful little Ralts, cute and shy like all Raltses were. Her parents were Gallade and Gardevoir and they were the best parents that she could ever have. When she was only 6, she was taken to a dance school to carry on a family tradition. She didn't know why at the time, but she forgot when she asked her mother and father. She tried to dance at the school, but all to no avail. Even when her legs were meant for dancing, she always seemed to cross them and pout. Her teacher was not happy with this and the fact that she wouldn't take off a purple scarf. The teacher asked for her to be kicked out. The pokemon that were the head of her village, who were legendary pokemon like Mewtwo and Ho-Oh thought that she did something bad and kicked her out of the village. Gardy cried, knowing that when the head pokemon made a decision, you can't ask to change it or do anything about it. It was the final say.

So, before heading out of the village, Guinevere hugged her mother and father for the last time, grabbed some food for the trip ahead and headed out of the village, not looking back for a split second. It was raining that day, so the drops of rain splished and splashed on her hair as she came to a tree.

Days went by and the Kirlia looked around for shelter. She found a town on the edge of the horizon. Rain was surrounding the city, just like her town. She shuttered, not because she was cold or wet, but she had memories flooding back. Guinevere went and headed to the town. 

On closer inspection, she saw a small red and purple glow from a door and some pokemon blowing his head off. She also saw a floating pokemon there, talking to the pokemon that went in. Guinevere's legs didn't let her run, but she got there as fast as she could, so she could comfort them.

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