Mysterious Things at the Tower of Legends...

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Tsuade and Guinevere had made it. Like a castle wall, the Tower looked so high. It looked so scary, for it was leaning toward the lava. Tsuade saw the Riolu stop on the bridge on his way there (they were still behind him). 

Whenever the young Lucario looked behind, Tsuade and Guinevere hid behind the bridges posts on the other side of the bridge. It was kinda hard for Guinevere to hide though, for she was 2 foot 7, while the post was 2 foot 6. Before he made more than halfway on the bridge, the Riolu felt like fainting, but he fought that feeling and made it across. He probably did or didn't know that Tsuade and Guinevere were not far behind him. The two had to be completely silent around him. 

But, if the two friends looked one time and went back to check again, the Riolu would be there first, but gone the next. Guinevere knew that ones like Mewtwo could teleport, but if this certain Riolu could, it would be abnormal.

But, there was barely any light in that tower, well, one light. A wonderfully royal purple light was caught in the sight of both eyes. It was magnificent, but when Guinevere and Tsuade decided to head to that light, it vanished all of a sudden. Then, there was a slight rumble on the building. Guinevere had decided that she and Tsuade should get out. The tower was already leaning dangerous as it is, and it would be best to get out before it leaned and fell into the lava below.

Tsuade disagreed. They were too far up to head back down. The two headed up and heard a rustle. When they got to where they heard the rustle, there was nothing there. Nothing except claw marks on the wall on their right. Suddenly, Guinevere stopped. She saw a Riolu.

This Riolu was different from the one she saw on the bridge moments ago. This Riolu had a darker tone in his fur. His eyes were dark red and instead of a yellow neck, he had a rusty crimson neck. He was staring at another Riolu, the one Guinevere and Tsuade saw on the bridge.

The two weren't scared one bit of each other, and so they started fighting. Guinevere never really fought. Unless she was forced to, she never really did. But she whispered to Tsuade, "I think we really need to get out of here." This time, Tsuade agreed. The two headed down the stairs all the way to the exit. 

By the time they got out, they heard a loud yell. Someone was screaming, "GO FIND HIM!"

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