The Explorers of Tomorrow...or What was Left of Them

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Tsuade and Guinevere had made it to Tsuade's house in just before dusk set itself on the horizon.

Tsuade's mother was just as she was described: caring, tender, loving, hospitable. All the qualities Guinevere's mother, Gardevoir, was. Guinevere never had to be in fear anymore.

While looking around, Tsuade gave her mother, Temwa, a big hug and said that she found Guinevere near the HQ of the Explorers of Tomorrow. Temwa, though she was caring and hospitable, she suddenly got serious. She got down to Tsuade's level and took her what happened and what could happen to the voyagers. After concluding, she went to care for the young pokemon in the room not far from her kitchen.

Guinevere walked over to her newly found best friend and asked, "What happened?" Tsuade just said, "Follow me." Tsuade led Guinevere to her personal room. It was up a stairway on the first door on the left. The two went inside. 

Tsuade's room was a bit messy here and there, like papers on the bed, books on the floor and some weird circle that had a glow that was as purple as Guinevere's scarf that was on a bookshelf. It was like a snow-globe, but didn't have the stand. The thing that was keeping it from rolling onto the floor was a golden poppy colored stand. Tsuade closed the door behind Guinevere and said that she was near the HQ of the Explorers of Tomorrow.

Guinevere's pupils shrunk to the size of a pebble and her jaw dropped. She didn't know that the treehouse was the HQ of the infamous Explorers! But, Tsuade said that her mom told her that the Explorers might disband because of what might happen to the Legendaries. The Legendaries always protected the world, one protecting a certain jurisdiction. The Legendaries were going ballistic just now and the normal pokemon don't know why. 

But before the Steenee could continue speaking, Temwa called out to her daughter, "Tsuade, dear, it's time for bed." "Okay, ma." Tsuade called back. Then, looking at Guinevere, headed to the bed. She put the papers back where they belonged, but didn't get in it. Guinevere was puzzled. "Aren't you going into bed?" she asked, pointing at the bed. "You are my guest. You take the bed. I'll get something and sleep on that." Tsuade replied.

She did, a couch pillow by the door and a blanket made to fit an Arcanine. Scooting over a little bit of clothes that was near the far end of the bed, Tsuade laid on the floor and fell right to sleep. Guinevere looked out the window that was by the bed. Though it was about a half of a day's journey to get to the sea, she looked out and just before it disappeared from her sight, she saw a small boat. She couldn't see who or what was on the boat, but she just saw the boat, drifting on the waves of the sea like a ripple in a pond.

It was almost midnight when she finally went to sleep. The reason why she didn't fall asleep after seeing the boat is that the days prior to her meeting Tsuade. 

Guinevere knew that she couldn't dance, and that she was fully female, but couldn't the Legendaries back in her village at least hear what she, or her parents, had to say about the matter. She had her backpack not far from the bed. She rummaged through it and found a picture she found of her, Gardevoir, and Gallade. 

"I'll be back home. I will always love you, mom and dad." she cried a little bit, but quiet enough so no one could hear her. 

"It is not your fault," Guinevere recalled her mom said, "Not every Pokemon is perfect in the world." "That's right, Gwen." her father added, "Though you can't dance as well as your siblings, you are always a star in our hearts." Guinevere smiled, tears rolling down her face and splattering onto the picture. She put the picture back in the backpack and went to sleep, knowing one day, the Legendaries will know what her teacher really meant.

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