Going to Sea

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The Kirlia and the Steenee climbed down, as quick and quiet as they could, but by the time they got to the bottom, Geek wasn't there. While Tsuade looked around the tree, Guinevere thought, "It must be obvious that he has friends out to sea. They hadn't returned, so that must mean that he teleported to the seaport."

"Tsuade." Guinevere called out, sweetly. "Can come over by me and not be beating around the bush for Geek?" Tsuade stopped what she was doing. She was using Bounce all around some bushes not far from the tree. The Steenee then walked by to the Kirlia and looked up a little bit.

"What is it?" Tsuade asked. "Geek isn't around here. I think he was heading to the ocean because he had friends out there." Guinevere told Tsuade. 

Tsuade gave Guinevere a "as if I didn't know, dimwit" (aka unamused) look. After snacking on a few berries to keep up some stamina, the two Pokémon headed on to the seashore. There was no one there, but a well-crafted raft with a sail all set and ready. Two oars were stuck paddle-side out in the sand. 

Guinevere unraveled her scarf from her neck and used it as a little shade to see what was up ahead, getting on the raft and as far front has she can. Out in the ocean, she saw a boat. It looked like the one from days previous, but she couldn't put a finger on it.

After looking hard, she motioned Tsuade onto the boat. The Steenee got on, but the both of them couldn't push the raft where it would be easier for the raft to float on the ocean. But then, a Suicune came walking on the water. He was all light blue, but with a few bits of white here and there.

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