Sea, My New Friend!

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The Suicune walked on the water and next to the raft.

"No need to fret, little Kirlia." it replied. "I am Vincenzo. I am a Guardian of the Bottomless Sea." Kirlia had to look up another 4 feet to see him. Vincenzo thought, "I might get down to their level." So he stopped standing on the water and laid down like a tiger at rest. Guinevere now was looking at the Suicune about eye-to-eye. "Now, what brings you to the Sea?" he asked, relaxed as the waves crashing around his body.

Guinevere introduced herself and Tsaude, and said that they had saw a boat that looked like it was going somewhere once, but never saw it again. 

"Oh, yes. I have seen that boat on this sea." Vincenzo recalled. "That boat was heading to the Aloha region. There was a Pikachu with a green neckerchief on it, alongside a few other Pokémon. But, that was all that I saw. Until just now..." 

"Aloha region?" Guinevere thought. She pulled out her map from her backpack. From where she, Vincenzo, and Tsuade were, that would have taken about half a day or a full 24 hours to get there, depending on the weather.

"The last activity I saw of that boat was a Riolu and some portals shooting some sort of beam." Vincenzo concluded.

Guinevere looked at Tsuade and both had a look that said, "That's Geek. He's getting more abnormal, isn't he?" Guinevere then looked at Vincenzo, who was still laying down, and asked, as sweet as Jigglypuff, "Could you direct us to the Aloha region?"

Vincenzo had a responsibility to do: guard the sea from bad things. Getting to the Aloha region would take a bit of time. "Would the request be good in the end?" he thought. After 2 handfuls of seconds later, he proudly said, "Yes. I can even let you ride me on my way there." Guinevere and Tsuade couldn't hold their joy in, so they gave fangirl-ish screams. 

"In all honesty," Guinevere said, after calming down, "it would be nice to ride on the back of someone like you. Thanks for the offer, but we'll do the raft." "But I wanted t-." Tsuade started complaining, but was suddenly interrupted by Guinevere's elbow in the right side of her torso. "I'll ride the raft."

Vincenzo understood. Not all Pokémon wanted to do such a thing. Before he stood up and head off to the horizon, he told them that if they ever wanted to, just give a shout on the sea. "I'll be waiting and listening" were his last words before he disappeared completely.

The boat from earlier was more clear, though the two couldn't hear anything the brawlers were saying, and it seems a fight was going on the deck. But then, it ended as quick as a snap.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Abnormals (Flipped Perspectives)Where stories live. Discover now