Morning Chaos

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The next morning, Guinevere woke up kinda late, so the first thing she saw after she opened her eyes were Tsuade.

Guinevere's eyes shrunk to the size of a pebble and moved backward so quick, she almost fell out of the window she was looking through last night.

"Good morning, Guinevere!" Tsuade said cheerfully, pulling Guinevere away from the window's edge. "Good morning, Tsuade." Guinevere said, yawning a light yawn, returning her friend's greeting. Then she felt around her neck. Her scarf wasn't there!

"How is that possible?!" Guinevere thought, as she got off the bed and started to make it. "I was wearing my scarf all last night. How did someone take my scarf?" She was halfway done with making the bed, but Tsuade stopped her and said that she'll finish making it, for Guinevere hadn't ate anything yet. The Kirlia nodded, and headed downstairs. 

Temwa was in the kitchen, fixing breakfast. Guinevere didn't want to know what she was fixing, but she walked up to the Tsareena, who was wearing maroon PJ bottoms and an a green undershirt that had nothing on it, and asked if she had seen a purple scarf with green dots on it. Temwa was another foot and four inches taller, so it took a little bit for her to hear what Guinevere said.

Before she responded, she stooped down to Guinevere's level and spoke to her, instead of towering over her, telling that she hadn't seen her scarf since she came in last night. And she went up to fix something for her. As fast as she got down to Guinevere's level, just as fast she got down, with a slice of some sort of pie in hand. She had it on a saucer that was as green as Guinevere's hair. Cautiously, Guinevere took the saucer and a fork that Temwa provided and headed to the dining room.

She ate that pie slowly, as to enjoy every little bite. When she was done, she gave her saucer to Temwa and headed back to Tsuade's room. Only to find, no Temwa. She looked outside and found the Steenee trying to get Guinevere's scarf, which was around a tree branch, with a stick. When Guinevere headed over to ask what she was doing, Tsuade was scared out of her britches.

"Oh," Tsuade said sheepishly, "it's you, Gwen. I had found your scarf around this tree branch and I can't seem to get it with this stick." Even though she wanted to roll her eyes, Guinevere did not. She climbed the tree and grabbed the scarf's fringes. She had her scarf again! She then climbed down, but on the way, she noticed some clouds in the distance. Could be that a storm was coming. Or someone was just having the moods.

Tsuade thought, "That would be nice to check it out! But Mom said not to disturb the Explorers because they are on their way to breaking up. Disturbing them would widen that gap." Then, when Guinevere climbed all the way down, she told Guinevere what she thought they could do for the morning.

"What?! Didn't your mother tell you not to go to the Explorers HQ?" Guinevere said in disbelief. "Yeah, she did, but I just wanna check it out." Tsuade persisted. "Fine. We can check once." Guinevere said, rolling her hidden eye. Guinevere usually had her hair back, but after sleeping, her hair went and covered one of her pink eyes. The two headed over as fast as they could to the HQ. Sure enough, there were gloom clouds around the place.

Gloom clouds weren't like real clouds. They were just clouds that hung around the place the person feeling miserable.

Guinevere started climbing up the rope, not looking down. Tsuade followed behind her. But, the clouds were suddenly now behind some Pokemon wearing a hoodie or something.

Guinevere looked close and there was that flying Pokemon that she saw yesterday. That Pokemon was doing something around the Pokemon wearing some sort of clothing.

"I'm heading down, Tsuade," Guinevere called out. The two started down the rope and followed the two mysterious Pokemon.

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