Geek's Back at It w/ Teamwork Being his Key!

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By the time Guinevere and Kirlia got to the main area, they heard some Pokémon talking at a table, so they hid just outside of the entrance.

The door to the Pokémon talking was open, but the ones inside the room didn't care because they were talking to one another. Guinevere took a peek inside the house and through the open door. There was Geek, who seemed to be more active then he was previously, a Pikachu (with two other Pokémon (probably from that boat Vincenzo mentioned yesterday), Victini, alongside with a few others.

Geek just looked like he could take on Mewtwo with only one healing item. Then the Victini pulled out a map and rolled it out on the table. While he was unrolling it, he said something that would have Guinevere shocked for the rest of the time they were at the table: "This power source is from an Evo Orb. This orb is so powerful, it can not only allow Pokémon to evolve or surpass their final form, it can give the host unlimited amount of power! It was created by Legendary Pokémon and it's one of the most powerful things on the face of our world!"

Tsuade and Guinevere looked at each other in shock and they mouthed the same exact words at the exact same time, "One of the most powerful things on the face of the world?!"

"And the reason why the Legendaries never showed this to everyone," the orange-yellow-ish Pokémon continued, "is that if any Pokémon, good or evil, would be searching for the Orb and the evil would abuse it. That's why they hid it from everyone."

Everyone at the table, except for the Victini, nodded. This does sound like a dangerous thing. Then the Victini pointed to a spot in the top right on the map and circled it with one of his three fingers. He continued, after everyone around him nodded in agreement, "This is where Vailon, the island that the Orb, is."

Meanwhile, Guinevere looked at her map. She got Tsuade's attention, helping the Steenee on where the Pokémon at the table. "This is no quick-trip-and-back thing, Wave." the Victini continued talking, "And that goes for everyone." Everyone except Guinevere and Tsuade groaned in disgust.

"We can get the Evo Orb and give it to Geek, but it won't be easy. The trick is to get the Keys and get to Vailon as quick as you can. And I though it would be easier if you guys went in pairs of 2." Victini added, planning as he went.

"Pairs of two?!" everyone else at the table said in disbelief. "Yes," Victini concluded. "And I am sending Wave and Tsunami with you." After wrapping the map up, he floated down the stairs and headed out the door. Guinevere and Kirlia headed down the tree as well, heading to the Vailon as quick as they can go.

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