Almost Got Caught Eavesdropping Again?

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Guinevere and Tsuade ran across the bridge and back into the forest. The makeshift duo went into some Cheri Berry bushes, which snow had softly blanketed with. Their rustling was heard by Whimsy, who was looking for the Riolu.

"Geek! Geek!" Whimsy called out. In the bushes, Tsuade whispered, "Should we move?" Guinevere mouthed her reply, "Yes," and pointed to more brush behind her friend. The two tried not making a sound, but utterly failed. Whimsy heard the rustling, and started moving toward them, but was distracted by a different rustle. She started moving toward that rustle. But she was getting tired of all the rustling around her. 

She headed more into the deep forest, but after a little bit, she couldn't take it. Whimsy went to the nearest bush and found someone. It was a Riolu in a hoodie. He wasn't happy, but Whimsy knew him. She started to scream, but the moment she tried to, the Riolu hushed her by putting a finger over her lips.

"Geek," Whimsy asked, kind of puzzled by the fact that he was frowning when he usually was happy-go-lucky, "why do we need to be quiet?"

"It's simple," Geek explained, as he went through the forest to who knows where. "That light was from the Tower of Legends. When I got to that Tower, some other Riolu attacked me and I had to fight Dialga."

"And...?" Whismy asked, hoping for a conclusion.

"And he snapped, becoming some sort of freak of nature. I tried to stop him, but all to no avail." Geek concluded, ending on a sad, but serious tone. Still in the bushes, Guinevere was amazed at the fact that the Riolu's name was Geek. 

Tsuade, on the other hand, was puzzled. Usually, as she was told, a Pokémon that had an evolution was named with the first letters of that evolution. The only exception was Pokémon that couldn't evolve, ones like Emolgas and Suicunes. So, Geek was a random name. A cool, but random, name.

Guinevere grabbed some Sitrus berries and putting them in a pocket on her backpack's side. She stuck her head out to see where Geek and Whimsy went. They heard from Whimsy, "Either let that Riolu get you, or get the help from the Explorers and have a chance to survive."

Tsuade and Guinevere looked at each other. Getting help to take down the evil Riolu would be a smart route, especially if you need a chance to survive. If Geek wanted to let that Riolu get him, the odds of either of them surviving are in favor of the evil Riolu. That would mean that the world hung on this decision.

But how disappointed the misfit duo and Whimsy were when Geek said, "I'll go with that first option," and walked past Whimsy without a care in the snow. But, Whimsy blazed with anger, put on the meanest face she could and looked dead center at the young Lucario. It almost seemed time stood still as Whimsy looked at him.

"Listen close, Geek." Whimsy commanded. "As your only caretaker on the Mainland and best friend for so many years, I command you to ask the Explorers for help!" Whimsy had the angriest face you could think on a cute, little marshmallow. Geek just stared back, quite stupefied. He had been friends with Whimsy for as far back as he can remember, and her raging like a maniac over one little, but extremely life-depending, decision was completely surprising to him.

The two stared at each other for a good, solid minute and then, a tear rolled down Geek's cheek, but he was smiling. Seeing the tear, Whimsy floated over to Geek and wrapped her tiny, little stubs around his neck. Geek returned it with a hug. Now out of the bushes and behind a tree to see the action a little bit closer, Tsuade and Guinevere saw what happened. Both wanted to say, "Awwww...", but didn't due to the fact that they didn't want to be seen yet.

They couldn't hear what they said next, but it was a touching moment to remember, especially for Guinevere.

Whimsy and Geek broke free of the hug grasp. Both were smiling, despite having tears rolling down their faces. After a little bit, Geek teleported without another trace, leaving Whimsy, Guinevere, and Tsuade all to head back home. And they did just that.

Well, Whimsy went back to the Treehouse. Tsuade and Guinevere thought of another place Geek could be going to: Taku Taku.

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