chapter 1 - first lesson

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Professor Jacob Harlon was in a really bad mood as he got in to have his first lesson for the day, the weekend had been terrible and he needed to let off some steam.

"Not with any of the female students, at least not in this school, remember what happened last time, can't buy your way out of that one again, Harlon" he reminded himself for the millionth time.

- Hey, settle down now so we can begin, I've had a terrible weekend and a rough morning, so I will not tolerate any funny business in class, that means you, Stephens, sit the fuck down. 

The class settled down and he began the lesson when the door opened and a young female student came in, looking ashamed.

- Sorry, I'm late, sir, I missed my alarm and overslept this morning, Diane Grey said, looking down at her feet.

"Sir...I like to hear that word out of her mouth...maybe she would make a good submissive...sure, my policy is strict when it comes to not fucking my students, but she's graduating soon, so she won't be my student for much longer...maybe I should try...see if she's into what I like and what I can give her" he thought to himself as he watched her walk by him over to her seat, all long legs, short skirt and long wavy hair, hanging wildly over her shoulders, down over her breasts, in a color he thought of as dark gold.

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