Chapter 13 - the cops come knocking

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On the way back home to my place, Diane's phone is literally bombarded with calls and texts from her parents and her older siblings.

She ignores them all and just cuddles up to me.

- They probably think you and Taylor kidnapped me, she says and nuzzles my neck.

- Hope not, I say.

Sure enough, just as we're done moving Diane in with me, there's a knock at the door, Taylor opens it and calls on me.

- Mr Harlon....we have visitors...the c o p s are here, Taylor says, standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

- We'll be right there, thank you, Taylor, I say and pick up miss Grey in my arms and she hangs like a koala bear around my body as we leave the bedroom.

- Are you mr Jacob Harlon? one of the cops asks me.

- Yes, I am, I say.

- And the young lady? the cop asks me.

- Diane Grey, mr Harlon's girlfriend, I'm moving in with him today, sir, she says.

- Is it true that mr Harlon is your former college professor, miss? the cop asks Diane.

- Yes, sir, he is my former professor, I graduated today, and mr Harlon resigned last week due to a new job that he was offered and that he accepted, Diane says.

- What job was that, sir? the cop ask me.

- The job as headmaster on another school, I say.

- Oh, and what are your plans after graduation, miss Grey? the cop asks her.

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