Chapter 6 - playroom

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- Should we go on? I ask her.

- Yeah, let's go on, she says.

- More wine? I ask.

- Yes, please, she says and I pour her some more wine while she takes a piece of the garlic bread I brought in along with some other snacks and the wine.

- So...the next part of the contract is about limits, yours and mine... I say.

I wait til she's found the section of the contract, then she looks up at me.
- Ready? I ask her.

- Yeah, I'm ready, she says.

- Here are my limits, I say and give her a list of my limits. No fire play, nothing that prevents breathing, I agree with choking, but not hard enough to keep you from breathing.

- I'm alright with that, she says.

- What are your limits? I ask her. What wouldnt you do?

- Same as yours, she says.

- Alright, sounds good to me, I say. Should we go on?

- Yeah, let's go on, she says and takes another piece of garlic bread and a gulp of wine.

We both turn to the next section, about health care.
- I want you waxed, I say. All over...

- Okey, she says. I agree with that.

- And I want you to work out at least two hours, four times a week, I will need you strong for what I have in mind for you... I say.

- Twice a week, four hours, she says.

- Alright, I say. The next part is about food, I want you to eat four times a day, no snacking between meals.

- Three times a day, and that I will fight you on, she says.

- Alright then, three times a day, I say. The next part is about sleep, I want you sleeping eight hours, don't fight me on that, I will need you rested.

- Okey, if that's what you want, she says.

"Finally something she doesn't fight me on" I think to myself.
- Do I have to obey you in everything? she asks me.

- In what's in this contract, yes, but only in that, I say. And I need this whole thing to stay between us.

- Of course, she says. This will all stay between us.

I get up and hold out my hand to her.
- Come to bed with me, I say. After talking about this stuff I wanna fuck you for a week.

- Just let me....she says and signs the contract before she gets up.

- Did you just... I say, surprised. Did you just sign?

- Yeah, I did, she says.

"Wow, that was easy" I think to myself as I take her to my playroom.

'Harlon' जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें