Chapter 32 - Los Angeles

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Diane and I make love, gentle and slow.
- Marry me, Diane, I moan as i come in her.
- Yes, she sighs.

We get out of the bed and go to shower.
- How soon do you want to get married? Diane asks me.
- As soon as possible, I say. I've sold my company, even the one you worked for, I have another company and another apartment in Los Angeles and I want us to move there, perhaps as soon as next month.
- I'm sure we can fix everything til then, Diane says.

I pick up my phone and call my assistant.
- Hi Paula, it's Jacob Harlon, how does my calender look for the upcoming week? I ask.
- You have nothing for the upcoming week, sir, she says.
- Wonderful, can you call my pilot, please? I ask.
- Yes, sir, where are you going? Paula asks.
- Me and miss Diane Grey are going to Los Angeles, I say. Since I've sold my company, even the one that miss Grey is working for, we are moving to Los Angeles together, where she will become my wife.
- Congrats, sir, I'm sure she will make you very happy, she's a lucky girl, Paula says.
- Thank you, and I'm the lucky one, I say.

3 weeks later.

Los Angeles, CA.

- Jacob, darling husband, my future wife, Diane Grey says.
- Yes, darling wife, I say.
- I have something to tell you, Diane says.
- What, baby? I ask.
- You are going to be a dad, I'm pregnant, Diane says.
- Baby, are you sure? I ask.

Diane takes my hand and puts it on her stomach. I feel a quickening and smile up at my future wife.
- Do you feel it? Diane asks me. It's your child.
- Yeah, I feel it, I say. Oh, Diane...I'm so happy, I'm gonna marry the most beautiful woman in the world and she's having my baby.

One week later.

Today I'm gonna marry my beloved beautiful Diane. We wake in bed and I kiss her gently.
- Good morning, wife, I say.
- Good morning, husband, Diane says, getting on top of me.

She rubs herself up against me and I get hard instantly.
- Should we rehearse our wedding night? I ask.
- Mm...yeah, I need to know what you expect your wife to do to you, Diane says.

I growl as I move her hand over my chest, stomach and down between my legs. She starts to make me hard with her hand.
- Now, get on top of me, I want you to ride me, I moan and Diane does as I ask, getting on top of me and helping me to enter her.

She rides me for a while before I take over and get on top of her. As Diane feels that I'm close to finishing, she helps me by putting two fingers in me and starts playing gently with my prostate, I come like a freight train and collapse on top of her.
- If tonight is anything like that, we will have one hell of a wedding night, I sigh as I slip out of Diane and is about to roll off of her. And you really know how to take care of a man, can we try that again, I want to know if you can finish me off with just some prostate play.
- Okey, baby, stay on top of me, put just the head of your cock inside me, that's it, baby, Diane says as I enter her again.

As I'm inside, she starts playing with me again, after two minutes, I'm coming like never before, only from getting my most sensitive spot massaged.
- Seems like you can come from just that, Diane says in triumph.

I roll off of her and we go get ready for our wedding. The ceremony is a small one, just me and Diane, and my right hand man Rami Taylor as a witness.

After the ceremony, I take Diane out for some lunch.
- Mr Harlon, mrs Harlon, congrats on your big day, where would you like to go now? Taylor asks as he holds the car door open for me and my beloved wife.

I look at my wife.
- I think we have time for some lunch before our honeymoon starts, I say.
- Where are we going for our honeymoon? Diane asks.
- I'm taking you to Europe for our honeymoon, I say. And while we are gone, Taylor and some other people that work for us will move all our things to my place here in L.A.
- Work for you, you mean, Diane says.
- Since you are now my sexy amazing beloved wife, the people that work for me, also work for you, my love, I say.
- Okey, where are we going for lunch? Diane asks me.
- The place where we had our first dinner together, I say.
- I loved that place, Diane says.
- I know, that is why we are going there, I say.

We go to the restaurant and end up getting the same table as when we were there the first time.

Diane looks at the menu.
- I've pre-ordered what we will eat, hope you don't mind, I say.
- No, that's fine, what are we having? Diane asks.
- We are having chicken stuffed with herbs and Parma ham and hasselback potatoes and garlic butter, some garlic bread on the side and that italian wine that I know you like, I say.
- You are a wonderful man, Diane says.
- With you I am, I say.

We get our food and Diane takes a bite of her chicken.
- Mm, this is wonderful, she says with a sigh.
- I'm glad you like it, I say.

We eat our food while talking about our upcoming honeymoon.
- Where will we start our honeymoon? Diane asks me.
- We will start in Spain, going from there to Italy, I say.
- Wonderful, Diane says.

We finish our lunch and I wave at a waiter.
- Can we get the check, please, I say.

We get the check and I pay it before I call Taylor.
- Taylor, Mr Harlon, we are ready to go to the airport now, I say in to the phone.
- I'm outside with the car and your bags, Taylor says.
- Thank you, we're on our way, I say and cut the call.

We go out to the waiting car and I help Diane in to the backseat of the car before I get in next to her.
- To the airport, Taylor, I say.
- Yes, sir, he says.

Taylor takes us to the airport, we're there within minutes and I help Diane out of the car while Taylor comes after with our bags, he hands them to me when I've helped Diane in to the plane.

I take the bags from him and enter the plane and sit down next to my wife.
- Let our long life together begin, my love, I say and take Diane's hand in mine as the plane lifts off from the ground and our honeymoon begins.

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