Chapter III - The Sadness Will Never End

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3 months later...

Rielle's POV

It's been 3 months since I talked to him. 3 months I saw his face, 3 months since he held me close.

The only one who's kept up with my whiny ass is Malina. "It's been 3 months, you know. No letters, no calls. You just keep waiting."

"I know, and I just want him next to me."

That same time, in the Underworld...

Grannum's POV

Into the fire on my own

I know I won't see your face again

Are you sitting there alone?

Are you thinking like me?

All the laughing times

Of all the sad and loving times

Everything that's left of us is fading away

Promise me you'll think of us

As a time so wonderful

Promise me you'll think of us

Still bright, still colorful

Promise me you look back at us

As a time in your life you enjoy

I sang Promise Me by Dead by April while watching our photo album. All the times we had: the concerts, our date at the fair, all the times we shared together.

"It's been three months, Grannum. No calls, letters, nothing." Argent whined.

"Because she's not here, that's why."

"You more or less cry in your sleep every night, hence the reason why you haven't moved. Besides, you may have gotten fat from all this ice cream." Resin complained, after tossing all my empty ice cream buckets in the garbage.

The absence of you is killing me

Are you thinking of me?

All the laughing times

Of all the sad and loving times

Everything that's left of us is fading away

Promise me you'll think of us

As a time so wonderful

Promise me you'll think of us

Still bright, still colorful

Promise me you look back at us

As a time in your life you enjoy

I sang at the top of my lungs just to block out the complaints. To be honest, I've been busy, seeing how I'm a prince and all, Hades was the only one to keep me from falling apart like last time...

Last time, back in the Wolf Academy...

"How can I just let her go like this?!"

"She didn't want us to get hurt, Grannum. You did all you could." Resin did try to calm me down.

"ALL I COULD? ALL I COULD?! She's gone, Resin. Gone." I felt horrible to do that to Resin, let alone everyone seeing me like that.

Flashback over...

"Hey, Resin?"


"Remember when Red sacrificed herself to Rain to save us?"

"And you were falling apart, like always? Of course."

"Look, it was stupid for me to yell at you like that and I'm sorry. I realized that I took it too far." Tears started to fall as I hugged Resin. He was the only one to keep me together, apart from Argent.

"You guys look so cute when you hug." And there's a voice I haven't heard in a while.

"Hey, Hailstorm."

"Grannum. How're you holding up?" Hayley walked in with Blake in her arms and Argent holding her bags.

"Argent, explain."

"Well, I convinced Hayley to help us because you really are in a bad state, Grannum."

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now