Chapter XX - The Judged.

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Ladies and gentlemen of this jury
I'm here today to bring this criminal to justice
One whose crimes are so heinous and evil
That if I had the power of the almighty I'd sentence her soul to hell!

A few hours until my big "death" but we planned it perfectly.

I crucified myself back in the courtyard while everyone was disguised as guards, just like we planned.

The plan...
"Ok, so here's the plan. Kill the guards, take their suits and disguise them, Resin, as soon as I'm about to get bodied, take the shot. Don't miss."

"To the head?" I figured Resin was going for the kill.

"Nah to the shoulder. I'll take care of the rest. But back to the matter at hand, shot to the shoulder from Resin, we all jump him, if he restrains, leave it to me."
"But Grannum, you're weak right now. Are you sure?" Red looked worried.
"Babe, I'll be fine. This is something I have to do."

I know this will not end well. Or it will. Only time will tell.

"Today's the day, Grannum." Looks like the Demon King's happy.
"What, the day you attempted to execute me?"
"No, the day I spill your blood on this kingdom. And, once you've been executed, I'll start my reign as King, and it will be a reign of Blood and fire! And you'll not be there to remember it."
"You, spilling my blood? Heh, don't see that coming."
"WELL LET ME OPEN YOUR EYES!!" As soon as he was going for the kill, Resin took the shot.
"Nice one, Resin!!" I jumped off the cross and so began an onslaught for the crown.
You've been accused of this horrid abuse
Advocate your lies and hide behind your bruise
I'm not the culprit, I'm the victim of perjury
I swear I'm innocent cause I'm the one who's-
Guilty of the atrocities!
There's her confession, let's get on with the sentencing
That's bullshit!
He's the one who defiled me
See? She admitted it!
Honor you must convict!

He was targeting me the whole fight but we all fought him at the same time, blow after blow, stab after stab and yet he still wouldn't go down.

I guess it's hard to see who is the blame
Stuck on the outside looking in
Humiliation fuels my shame
Want to shed off my skin

So discredit me and take it all
Because it seems I'm destined to fall
Disparage me and make the call
Deep down I know it's not my fault
I'm not to blame
How could I ever have asked for this?
So do your worst, I'll stand up tall
And I'll never feel guilty at all!

He used most of his strength and bodied everyone at the same time.
"I WANT YOUR HEAD, GRANNUM!" Oh shit, he's pissed. I had to counter everything and yet I got bodied.
"Weak. Not even your father could beat me. You're nothing but a worthless insect." I was being choked against my will. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. Maybe he's right.
And then I felt like my soul left my body.

In an alternate universe at that same time...
Soul Grannum's POV
Am I dead? Or am I dreaming?
"We have been watching you for a long time." Multiple voices said.
"Who are you?"
"Grannum, Son of Hades. We are The Great Kings. Your ancestors. You fought for Hades, our brother, with great sacrifice and courage. The title of King is not found, it is earned. Return now to the kingdom, and unleash a power you've never known."
All I saw after that was a bright light and I was back in my body but better than ever.

Back in Grannum's body...
Grannum's POV
"Tell me, weakling. What are you The King of again?" I weakened his grip.
"I'm the King of The Dead." Hell yeah. A massive force pushed the demon King back.

It's clear she instigated it
Sprits of chanel and her cherry lipstick
Used to tempt us with her smile over promiscuous dissident
Harlot's calamity
Order the penalty now!
Give her what she deserves
Lured him in with provocative beauty
She's done it before and she'll do it again
Trust me!

The demon King tried to fight back, but I moved faster than him.
"No, this can't be. I won't allow it!"
"Check again. You're in my yard now." I punched him and he was sent flying out the palace. Everywhere I walked, flames turned blue, the dead started roaming and I became, harder, better faster, stronger.

You're all so blind
How can't you see?
His argument's enormity
I've lost my faith in society
How could you do this to me?
To me
So discredit me and take it all
Because it seems I'm destined to fall
Disparage me and make the call
Deep down I know it's not my fault
I'm not to blame
How could I ever have asked for this?
So do your worst, I'll stand up tall
And I'll never feel guilty at all!

All the memories. From high school to now. They all came together. I'm fighting for everyone I loved.
"YOU'LL NOT TAKE THIS FROM ME, GRANNUM!!" This is where shit gets real.
"Your anger and lust for power have already done that. Your mind has been corrupted and now, you're the very thing I've sworn to destroy."
"Don't lecture me, insect. I see through the lies of your ancestors. I do not fear the crown as you do. I'll bring peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire."
"Your new empire?!"
"Don't make me kill you, Grannum. Join me and we'll rule The Underworld, together."
"My allegiance is to my kingdom, to liberation!!"
"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."
"Only a demon deals in absolutes. I'll do what I must."
"You will try." And so began the battle between Kings. A fight for the throne. A fight for a kingdom. A fight for freedom.

I will wake up, I will fight
Back to reality
I'd like to see you try
What a shame, I hope you said your goodbyes
I will prevail or I will die

Lock the cage, throw away the key
Settle in because you'll never be leaving
Lock the cage, throw away the key
You will suffer here, you will never leave

Lock the cage, throw away the key
Settle in because you'll never be leaving
Lock the cage, throw away the key
You will suffer here, you will stay asleep

You're all so sick, but now I see
This horrid dream is all just me
Blaming myself for this tragedy
But now I see it clearly

So discredit me and take it all
Because it seems I'm destined to fall
Disparage me and make the call
Deep down I know it's not my fault
I'm not to blame
How could I ever have asked for this?
So do your worst, I'll stand up tall
And I'll never feel guilty at all!

The battle raged on, we fought at the shores of The River Styx, one King shall stand. One King shall fall.

"I've misjudged you, Grannum. You're not that bad of a fighter, but you would've made a perfect demon."

"Thanks but no thanks." I continued to try and weaken the demon King, our duel took to the waters.
"This is the end for you, Grannum." This might or might not end well. Until I saw an opportunity.

"You underestimate my power!"
"Don't try it." And as soon as he jumped.

He was shot in mid air and slashed in the legs by me.

"Thanks, Resin."
"I got you." Resin took the shot.

"I'll end you, Grannum! One way or another!" As soon as his body got closer to the river, the fallen and forsaken souls grabbed his body and dragged him into the river.

"We did it. We won." And then I passed out.

Guilty of sin
Judgement for crimes committed
Guilty of sin (guilty of sin)
Judgement for crimes committed
Guilty of sin (guilty of sin)
Judgement for crimes committed
Guilty of sin
Judgement for crimes committed
Guilty of sin
Judgement for crimes committed
Guilty of sin
Judgement for crimes committed

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now