Chapter XIX - Undead Ahead: Part 2

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Grannum's POV
As soon as I came to, I was in the palace. Crucified.

"Well, well, well. The last member of The Royal family." So he must be the Demon King. Oh shit.

"At least I'm not dead, thank Hades for that," I started laughing until I got slapped in the face, ended up spitting out a tooth.
"Don't worry. You'll join them soon. As soon as you surrender the crown to me, you insect."
"I know you ain't talking about yourself, goat head looking ass." Oh fuck.

(The following part may contain a lot of blood. Viewer discretion is advised.)
After I said that, a lot of things happened.

What happened...
I was paraded through the streets, disrespected and beaten by everyone. My body, whipped till my skin ripped, I was barely fed the whole time, I was brutally stoned, I nearly lost my eyesight. I was decimated in all brutal ways possible.

Rielle's POV
I watched as he was brutally beaten to a pulp. My king, my hero, my savior. Bloodied and bruised. He took all that for his kingdom and for us. I couldn't bear to watch.

I heard his faint whispers, he really was sorry. He sacrificed himself for his kingdom. I gotta do something.
"Guys we gotta save him."
"Red, you saw how heavily guarded he was-" I had to cut Argent off.
"Look, he's sacrificing himself for his kingdom, for us, for me. I gotta do something. I gotta save him."
"She's right, Argent. We saved Red, multiple times and we can't just feed Grannum to the wolves like that. If Hayley was in danger, what would you do?" Resin actually stood up for me.
"You're right, Resin. But we need a plan."
"We got an army." I had to say something out of the ordinary.
"Us and what army, Red?" Argent was shook.
"My army." I got an idea.

So for the next few hours, we planned a strategy to save Grannum and The Underworld, together. We had to get everyone we knew, especially some of our friends and allies from the packs.

"So the plan is, we grab Grannum when no one's looking, get him to safety, and fight the demon King?" Malina saw right through me.
"Kinda like that."
"Not bad but we need firepower."
"To the armory."
So we got back to The Haven, Regime and Wulfric took care of the guards and we got into Grannum's armory.

"Mommy?" I held Selenia close and told her what happened, "Daddy's gonna be ok?"
"He will be, sweetie. Don't worry. Daddy's gonna be just fine." We got all the weapons we needed and we owe James a day off.

That night, Underworld palace...
In the dead of night, we snuck into the palace.

"We held up one of the guards to find out where they're keeping Grannum. He was a little persistent but we cracked him.
"I'm gonna ask you one more time, where is he?!"
"The courtyard. He's in the courtyard! Please don't kill me." Too late.

Grannum's POV
So weak. So broken. I think I really fucked it up this time.
I felt like I was being untied from my prison and I kinda broke my fall. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't.
"Oh my Hades. No, please don't die on me." Her voice, like an angel.
"Red, is that you?" The angel caressed me and saw how broken I was.
"I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry."
"I screwed up, didn't I? I left you just like that. I'm so sorry."
"You're gonna be alright. I'm right here." I fully opened my eyes and Red was here. My lips locked with hers as I was covered in blood.
"I'm so sorry, my love."
"It's ok. I forgive you."
I was moved to safety where I saw everyone.
"The demon King's planning to execute me tomorrow at sunrise. With everyone here, looks like he's in for a bad time."
"Well at least the rightful heir to the throne is still alive." Argent noted.
"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing, Argent. But back to the matter at hand, the demon King has to fall, tomorrow. Come hell or high water."
"That's the King we wanna see." A familiar voice came in the distance.
"Rain. You're still alive?"
"Red told me what happened so I answered the call. Grannum, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an asshole to you and Red. I'm sorry for everything I've done." He really seemed serious.
"I got you. Welcome to The Tribe, Rain."
"Just like that?"
"Yeah, don't like to leave grudges open, not in a time like this. Right now, all we need to do is fight back. This. Means. War." I'm back, baby. Broken and bruised, but I'm back.

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now