Chapter XII - Winter is Coming.

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1 month later...
Grannum's POV
And this is where our story began...
The air was cold, crisp and had the scent of blood. Everybody was in position in case anything went sour.  Until there came a series of unfortunate events, leading to the Underworld's almost destruction.
24 hours earlier...
"Grannum, Wolf. The sun may set on my time here and will rise with you both when the time comes as King.
"Dad, I'm scared."
"I know you and Rielle have your doubts but it'll be fine, a few decrees, couple signatures, and this kingdom will feel as good as new, A
after the war of course.
"What war?"
"The Demon King and I have been warring for years and he hasn't made the first move yet, it's like he's waiting or something."
"Wait, Demon King?" All my nightmares came flooding back, the river of blood, the flashes of a demon, it all makes sense, The Demon King. And if I fail that battle, The Underworld will be lost to a reign of blood and fear.
"It's a game of thrones." My voice went from timid to cold and damp real quick.
"Grannum, are you alright?" My face went fully pale
"It's all flooding back. The nightmares, everything." And then I passed out.
I woke up, confused of everything and everyone around me.
"Grannum, you ok?" Red looked worried.
"It's all coming back."
"What does he mean, Red?" Hades is kinda worried of what's going on.
"Grannum's been having a lot of nightmares lately and he's never been this scared."
"Grannum, what are the nightmares about?"
I told everyone everything. Every single nightmare.
"If Grannum's having these nightmares then that means he's coming."
"The Demon King." It was a gut feeling.
"Exactly. Guards! Start all preparations! We're at war."
12 hours later...
The kingdom was turned into a heavily fortified fortress, kinda like King's Landing.
"Grannum, I'm scared." Red looked worried.
"It's gonna be alright." I held my 2 favorite girls together, like I'll never lose them.
This is a war we thought we've won. But it looks like it's only the beginning.
"Grannum. If this doesn't work-"
"Wolf, it'll work, besides Hades said the walls are actually climb-proof, cannon proof and booby trapped."
"Well that is true but I'm worried about Dad."
"Yeah me too. What he said this morning actually made me think he's gonna die someday."
"But let's promise that we'll be great Kings, for Dad's honor."
"I'll take that to the grave."
(Play song from right here.)
That fateful morning...
King Hades' POV
The sky was as white as snow, no sun in sight, the smell of gunpowder, sweat and blood filled the air, there were no words for what happened today...
"My kingdom, the time has come where our sovereign nation is on the brink of extinction. The day has come where we'll take the fight to The Demon Race and send their souls down The River Styx. The time has come, where they may take our lives, but they'll never take away our freedom!!"
Grannum's POV
And then it happened. A shot rang out in the distance. Hades fell backwards, a bullet hole in the middle of his head. The end was near.
"Scatter!!" Everyone scattered as we got to Hades' almost lifeless body
"Dad, stay with us. We can't lose you!!"
"Y-you know w-who d-did it. F-find him." He was fading away from us
"Grannum, Wolf, get Persephone to safety, I got this." Ally was persistent.
"You got this, Ally. We believe in you."
Wolf and I got Mom to the palace and locked every single door.
"Guards! Lock every single door, no one gets in, no one gets out!"
"Yes, Your Heartlessness."Wolf really should take the throne before me, he has the upper hand of leadership.
"Grannum." Mom looked shook.
"It's gonna be okay. I promise. Dad's gonna be alright."
"Grannum, he left these for both of you." Persephone had a Scythe and a Sword. I as always took the sword and Wolf took the scythe.
"The kingdom needs us, Grannum." Wolf looked serious.
"We're at war. That was the first strike. To take out Hades."
"And Wolf's the next King." Persephone looked serious, "Grannum, Wolf, when I'm gone, be the best Kings you can ever be." And that was when we started to watch her fade away in front of us.
"Mom, no, please! Not you too!"
"Grannum, Wolf, I don't feel so good." And she faded away from us.
"No." It wasn't supposed to end like this.
The phone rang and it was Ally.
"Grannum, Wolf. H-he d-didn't-" She was crying. Like she failed us.
"What's wrong, Ally?"
"Hades didn't make it. Guys I'm so sorry."
"You did your best, we're gonna be alright."
"Is Persephone okay?"
"She faded away from us. We lost."
It was a dark day for the Kingdom of The Underworld.

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now