Chapter V - Beautiful Nightmare

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Rielle's POV
Hayley sent me a video with the guys practicing and it looks like he's back to his normal self but something's wrong with him, he's angrier than before. I think I need to talk to Hades about that.
"Something's definitely wrong." I said while walking with Malina to the hangar.
"What do you mean, he seems fine."
"But his rage hasn't been that vicious."
"Yeah, when Grannum's angry, he still keeps calm but like this now, it's like he's different. My phone buzzed and it was Hades.
"Hey Rielle, it's Hades."
"Hey Hades, what's up?"
"It's about Grannum."
"Is he ok?"
"Yeah, he's fine, just to be clear, if Hayley sent you the thing, Grannum's rage comes from me."
"So you're saying-"
"Grannum's slowly changing."
"Is this normal?"
"Yeah, it is. Unless you're a wolf with issues. His side effects are constant mood swings, cravings, enhanced spiking rage, the list goes on, but he's still the same."
"Good to know." I'm scared.
"But in all and all, he misses you. A lot."
"Things have been hard since I came to Tartarus."
"Don't worry, Grannum wanted me to transfer you out but Eris is being a pain."
I looked around to see if Eris wasn't hearing or any audio surveillance was there. "She's like my mother, and don't want me to see him at all, like she has something for him."
"Don't worry, Rielle. You'll survive. Talk to you later."
"Bye." I hung up and Malina was right outside.
"Something wrong?" Malina looked worried.
"Grannum's slowly turning into Hades."
We walked back to the beach house when I discovered my door was open. Malina and I pulled out our weapons and entered silently.
"Who's there?" The door closed and Malina ended up in a fistfight. I ended up shooting a dummy round in the person's leg.
"Ugh. Right in the leg, too."
"Who are you?"
"That's how you treat your cousin, Red?"
"I know that voice." I took off his mask and he looked very familiar. His pastel pink hair, his freckles, blue eyes, he wore a Sleeping With Sirens tank top, black skinnies and black Converse.
"James? Is it really you?"
"In the flesh, since you shot me in the leg with a rubber bullet."
"Sorry." I shyly whispered.
"So wait, he's your cousin?"
"The best kind. Malina Ashthorn, James Blackhope.
"For a Wolf, you got skills." Malina noticed.
"Not too bad yourself, you a Wolf, too?"
"Yeah, Sahara Wolfpack, head knifeman."
"He's really amazing with knives. Try going a knife throwing contest and see who wins." Rielle cheered.
"Alright." Malina threw her knife and it landed in the door. James threw his own and it was a rainbow knife. It went right through the door.
"Best two out of three."
"Sorry if I went a little hard on you." Was he literally hitting on Malina?
"Sorry, Jimmy, I got someone."
"Ouch, that's cold. Saw right through me."
So I told James everything, what happened and Grannum. "So my little cousin's dating royalty, that's impressive."
"He's the best. I just wish I can see him, though."
"I know how it feels, Red. You'll see him soon."
"Thanks, James." I hugged him tightly.
Grannum's POV
Innocent, like a fairytale
It started with the blink of an eye
Wonderful, we used to be the same
But the indifference made us say goodbye

It has come to an end now, it is time to say goodbye
Beautiful nightmare
Couldn't survive on the battlefield, now I'm starting to heal
Beautiful nightmare

Lucky, didn't we reach the top
As they say what goes up must come down
Well played, couldn't have been more wrong
I gave us the benefit of the doubt

It has come to an end now
It is time to say goodbye
Beautiful nightmare
Couldn't survive on the battlefield
Now I'm starting to heal
Beautiful nightmare

Beautiful Nightmare by Dead by April was in my head as we're embarked on a mission in Elysium.
"Alright, if y'all got anything to say, say it now." Our mission commander aka Wolf was kinda focused, he misses Mira, I can tell.
"With every death, there's honor, with honor, intention." Argent spoke.
"You got that from Hanzo, did you?"
"Overwatch is life, man."
"Yet I decimate your ass with Reaper."
"Burned by the prince, Argent." Resin nudged him.
"Yeah yeah, let's get this overwith." As soon as we landed, the real fun began.
After defending Argent and the guys a couple times, Wolf was distracted. I ended up taking a bullet for him. "Eyes open, Wolf. Can't protect you all the time." I rocked my head back in pain from taking that bullet, luckily I had a bulletproof vest on.
"Sorry. Mission complete, though." I got up with a major pang in my head after that.
Returning to base...
"Grannum, how many times I gotta say it? I'm sorry. I'm sorry you got shot man, damn."
"I told you I forgive you, just watch yourself next time."
"Your brother's right, Wolf. You could've died." Hades saw everything, hence why his call sign is Overlord.
"I understand."
"By the way, Grannum, I could use your help on something."
"Well it came with a heavy heart that your pack leader died."
"Wynter died?" And yeah, my pack leader, Lazare Wynter, expert marksman with a shotgun, who taught me how to quickscope with one. He was like a second teacher to me. (Sorry Farengar.)
"Yeah, hit and run. So his wolves are a bit-"
"They're lost, so I decided that you should be pack leader."
"Me? Dad, you know I'm not-"
"Remember when Rielle was taken and you and the guys saved her?"
"And it ended up with me biting her to save her life, not to mention we lost our unborn child? Yeah, I just don't wanna talk about it."
"What I'm saying is, you saved her life and with your leadership, that pack will be good as new."
"Grannum, do it. The Black Swan needs you."
"You know," I loaded my shotgun,"Rule number one in The Underworld, there are no rules." I fired in the air, "I'm in."
Black Swan Wolfpack dorm, 1800 hrs...
"Ok, listen up. Under order of King Hades, I'm your new pack leader."
"So that means, we follow you now?" Meet Vertigo, sniper and an asshole to boot, he's the strongest in the pack, not to mention, the most accurate.
"Got a problem, you can leave."
"Naw, I'm good. Good to have some new blood here."
"And if you can't find any thing to believe in, why are you still here, Vertigo?"
"Because this pack was to be led by someone like me, not some arrogant brute, also, you don't even deserve a girl who'd put up with your ass." He did not. My anger just spiked and Hades felt it.
"Ok, that's enough! Vertigo, know your place when speaking to your leader."
"Whatever, Your Heartlessness, or should I say Your Worthlessness." He just crossed the line. I ended up lifting him up into the wall. "Say. That. Again." I growled.
"You heard." My claws drove deep into his neck when he said that.
"Now, unless you want to die here right now, know. Your. Place."
"Yes sir."
"Good." I dropped him down as he whimpered,"Anyone else?" The room went quiet.
Hades' POV
I've never seen him so vicious. He really did take my side of the family.
"Vertigo, my office. Now."
I've never seen a Wolf so disrespectful to Grannum and to The Throne.
"What is this about?"
"Should've controlled your little monster over there."
"That little monster is my son, and he is your pack leader, and this is your third time. Vertigo."
"You wouldn't. King Hades, please."
"I hereby relieve you of duty. You are no longer a Wolf."
"You all will pay." He left the room and the base with a angered look and he threatened The Throne. This meant war.

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now