Chapter VI - Reunion

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Grannum's POV
Over 2 weeks have past since Vertigo was fired. Looks like The Black Swan had a burden lifted, reminded me of some of the assholes in North Gate High.
"With Vertigo gone, I feel lighter." Aurora said.
"Yeah but for how long? He threatened Hades, not to mention the Royal Family itself. Which means everyone's a target."
"Red's in danger as well."
"Yeah, which means I have to do something very stupid, just to keep her safe."
"And that is?"
"Talk to the Queen of Tartarus."
Tartarus, The Pit of Lost Souls...
"No, no, and no!" Damn, why is she so discordant?
"Queen Eris, with all due respect-"
"I'm not letting Rielle be transferred to The Underworld, not into the likes of Hades."
"She's part of The Royal Family."
"Hades, the entire family, including me and her are being threatened. So unless you want to stand here and keep her locked away like you're her mother, be my guest. But, when she dies on your watch, just know that you are to blame." I walked out of her office and went to find Rielle.
"Grannum, wait. There's something I have to tell you." She invited me back into her office.
"I had a thing for your Dad. But Persephone always hated the fact that I liked him."
"Well Dad did kidnap her and she was made Queen under a deal and that deal was that she returned to the upper world every first six months for The Harvest."
"Precisely, so I was locked away from him."
"So this is to get back at Persephone?"
"Now you know why. Grannum, I'm sorry."
"Lady Discord, you just have to let it be. Look before I met Rielle, I was a lost soul, so was she, but now that she's in my life, she became a part of me. Queen Eris, you're a great Queen, but even the Queen can become both roles."
"Thank you, Grannum. Rielle and Malina have my authorization to transfer to Underworld. Keep her safe." She gave me the address where they were staying and Resin, Argent and I set off.
"Of course."
We drove to the shoreline and looked for the house.
"Are you sure this is the place?"
"I think it is." It looked like any ordinary beach house, close to the boardwalk, and to the beach itself.
I knocked on the door and a dude answered.
"Can I help you?" I can't believe it. All the things we said. Just to leave me for this little punk.
"Um, does Rielle live here?"
"Yeah, who's asking?" Ok, straight to the point.
"Prince Grannum of The Underworld."
"Grannum? Red's boyfriend? Oh my God, I am so sorry. I'm her cousin, James." Oh, that made sense.
"Grannum, Argent, Resin?" Malina looked up and saw us.
"Hey Malina." Me.
"Sup Malina?" Argent.
"Hey babe." Resin.
"Resin! I missed you, pumpkin." Ok this isn't the Malina Ashthorn we know.
"Who are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?"
"Ok, pumpkin isn't your nickname anymore, you blockhead." There she is.
"I'm so sorry, babe, I call but you don't answer."
"That's because I'm asleep when you call, idiot." Yeah, I can see Resin's kids, they're gonna end up just like her.
"Grannum?" A shy voice quietly asked. One I know all too well.
"Yes, princess, I'm here." She ran into my arms and held me close.
"I missed you. I just missed you, daddy."
"I missed you too, princess."
"Wait, she just called you daddy. Red?"
"It's a long story, James. It looks like my kink may have gotten to him." I kissed her forehead and she snuggled into my chest. I took her to the beach and we took a walk.
"So what brings you to Tartarus?"
"We're all targets now. The Crown's been threatened."
"You mean-"
"You know Vertigo?"
"Grannum, he went to North Gate just like us, graduated earlier than us, too, like a year early."
"That's why he looked so familiar. He threatened Hades, me, the entire family, and that includes you and everybody we know."
"He just tempted fate, babe. I'm scared right now."
"Which is why, I talked to Eris, to get you and Malina transferred."
"But what about James?"
"I'll pull some strings, don't worry."
"Thank you, Grannum." I kissed her as the sun started to set.
We made love by the ocean
As the waves crashed around you
Sunsets never were so bright, and the skies never so blue
You opened up into my arms
And we laughed as I held you
I'll never go back to Georgia
Not at least till I have to.
The plane back to The Underworld...
She held onto me and rested her head in my shoulder.
"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." She muttered in her sleep.
"I won't, princess." I kissed her forehead as I drifted to sleep next to her.
I was drowning in a sea of blood. My breaths getting shorter every second. "Help. Me." I tried to whisper out but no one came. "Save. Me." I tried again. Nothing. I looked all over and saw everyone, drowning. And the same figure of a demon appeared.
Nightmare over...
I jolted awake with my nails digging into Red's leg.
"Grannum, wake up!" My nails retracted as my eyes fully opened.
"Rielle, I am so sorry." She held me close and tears started to fall.
"It's Ok. I'm here now. It's gonna be alright, what happened?"
"It was a nightmare. All of you drowning with me. In a sea of blood."
"It's gonna be ok, baby." She kissed my forehead and held me close.
"Thanks princess." We ended up in the infirmary just to check on me.
"He's fine, but with his scars, his issues, not to mention, his archaic rage, Grannum is slowly turning into you, Your Deathlessness." Ally went and gave Hades the news.
"I understand. Still can't believe you talked to Eris and nothing discordant didn't happen." He was shook.
"So, Eris tried to steal Hades from Persephone, too bad The Queen of The Underworld didn't fully destroy her."
"Not entirely true, I mean we had a thing going but why am I explaining this? The point is I moved on and I grew past it."
"Surely Eris hasn't."
"Of course she has. Anyway this is none of your business." Hades stormed off in denial.
"See ya at home, Hades The Heartbreaker!"
"I heard that, Rielle!"

I Will Wait... (Book IV of The Underworld Saga) An Emo Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now