Chapter 1: Highschool?

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Your name is John Egbert. You have just started your second semester in the freshman year at high school and it sucks balls.

First of all jocks cant help picking on you, cause of your overbite. Not to mention you don't have any REAL friends...ok you have internet friends...but thats only cause your a lot more social on the internet. Why is social life so hard...dammit... So cause of that your the unsocial geek in the school...perfect...exactly how you wanted it...NOT!

You feel so lonely at the moment and your math teachers just blabbering on about reviewing what we learned over the you silently pull out your phone and open pester-chum. Sure enough like you expected TG is online.

EB: hello :B

TG: sup

EB: nm just ignoring my dumb teacher talking about algebra

TG: dare you...your mother and i had expected more outta you young man how dare you sacrifice your education for socialization... Tisk tsk tsk

EB: chill out man...its just review

EB: speaking of which are you even at school?...

TG: no

TG: only cause I'm puttin my junk in boxes. Ya know about to go on the long trek. Saying sayonara to the old bird nest...

EB: your graduating?

TG: pff i wish...pretty sure imma have to get taking to a mental institution if i spend another year with bro, fuckin puppet ass everywhere...

EB: ew...tmi bro anyway so your moving? Where?

TG: what are ya a pedo wanting some fine Godhead ass?

EB: yes tg, im a 42 year old man sitting in a freshman's desk wanting every piece of that godhead ass...

You smirk to yourself, god dammit you wish you could meet TG in real life...he's your best friend...despite not even knowing his name. Thats probably why you cant meet internet safety or some shit. Which sucks even more cause you think if you both were the same age him and you would be the best of friends.

"Egbert, could you please tell us the answer"

Your teacher tears you out of your thoughts instantly book in hand and an annoyed look on her face, your eyes widen and everyone around you snickers cause she obviously caught you off guard... after taking a look on the board you answer "its 25"

"Correct Egbert, but could i kindly ask you put away all electronic devices until lunch?"

"Sorry Ms'Everlist"

More snickers...great, its gonna be a looong school year...

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