The Gathering

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Your POV:

You stepped out of your room. Hearing noises of a conversation and laughter coming from across the hallway you turned walking towards the noises thinking that's where everyone was gathering. You stepped into the living room. Everyone's attention turned to you. You saw Yoongi sitting on the couch and two men, you haven't seen before, sitting beside him. They seemed to be having a deep conversation until you grabbed their attention. Jimin was standing by the window looking outside lost in thoughts while Jungkook was sitting on the other couch playing with his phone with Taehyung cheering beside him.

All their gazes fixed on you, you heard one of the new guys gasp as the other stared keeping a stern face. Silence fill the room. You began to feel uncomfortable as these situations always felt awkward. But at the same time you understand that you look different that's why people always keep staring. Jimin was the first to break the silence.

Jimin: "hey, (Y/N), come have a seat." He gestured for you to set beside Taehyung who made a space for you and gave you his boxy smile.

You were about to go set next to him but you paused when you felt a presence from behind. You turned around and looked at the man who was standing behind you. He was looking at your hair before you turned to face him, then his gaze traveled all over your face until it settled on your eyes. He slightly tilted his head and farrowed his eyebrows leaning closer, too close for your comfort. His plump lips were parted in awe. He was really tall he had to lower himself to match your hight. With his broad shoulders and huge body you looked like a little child in front of him.

: "beautiful"

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....: "beautiful". He whispered. You thought you were the only one who heard him, but It seemed that everyone did as You heard Jungkook burst out laughing along with Taehyung.

Jungkook: "I told you Jin hyung gonna keep saying that".

Taehyung: " I guess I own you one".

The man in front of you, ignored their comments and straightened his back. He smiled at you and brushed back his pink fringe that covered his eyes before he greeted you.

Jin: "it's nice to finally see you (Y/N), my name is Jin". He said and bowed.

Y/N: "nice to meet you Jin". You replied.

Feeling a hand gently placed on your back, your body tensed. You looked to your right and you saw Jimin standing beside you. He gave you a reassuring smile that made you feel at ease and relaxed.

Jimin: "let me introduce you to my other hyungs". He said pointing at the two men setting next to Yoongi.

Jimin: " this is Namjoon hyung". He pointed at the man with the stern look.

Namjoon stood up revealing his hight. He approached you and offered a handshake. You hesitantly accepted it and he smiled at you, dimples appearing on his cheeks.

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