part 8 fire and gasoline

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{alexa} 2 months after making up with zak.

Its been 2 months since me and zak made up and went back to being a couple and ive been out on the road with them more then 4 days one week a month which isn't right. Im setting in my truck in the drive way of my house here in tampa thinking about how i really feel about zak and mike. Truth is i love zak but not enough what i really love about being with him is the thrill unlike how i feel with mike. I love mike with everything in me and not just the thrill of being with him. Mike makes me feel alive and zak well he doesn't its just a fast thrill. I don't know how im going to tell him that i dont love him like that anymore but i know ive got to do it. I really do love zak its just the fact i love him so much as my best friend i can't see myself being more than best friends with him now that I have mike so i have to tell him. Im going to call Aaron. I pull out my phone and dial Aaron's number and he picks up and says

"Hey sis whats up?"

I smile and say "hey bro just needed to talk to you"

"Ok whats wrong alexa bear?"

"I need to tell zak something and i dont know how hes gonna take it"

"Whatca need to tell him?"

"Well ive did a lot of thinking the last couple weeks and i realized that i can't love him more than a best friend"

"A im not sure hes gonna take that too well"

"Yea i know. I realized that i just love the thrill of being with him cause hes a bad boy not him as more than my best friend"

"A does this have something to do with miz?"

I bite my lip, "it kinda does. I just realized that i really love miz and not just the thrill like it is with zak"

"I like miz but it's gonna hurt zak.....he'll be alright after a while but its gonna tear him up inside cause hes crazy about you"

"I know and its gonna tear me up too but I've got to do it cause i wanna get married and have kids and i know its gonna stretch it if me and zak even got married. I can't be with someone i don't love like that."

"I know A its gonna be hard on both of you but you really do need to do it. You and miz would make a great couple but i just dont think Zaks gonna take it well"

"I know hes not. I just can't stay with him like this cause in the end its gonna hurt both of us more then it will now"

"Your right it will. If you guys are breaking up are you still gonna be on the road with us 4 days like you are now?"

"How could i leave my crew? Of course I'm going to be with you guys 4 days like i am now as long as its alright with zak"

"If he says you can't travel with us what are you gonna do?"

"Oh I'll just take my car and a couple of you guys can ride with me if you want"

"That sounds like fun. Traveling with zak sometimes gets boring and i know he's gonna be horrible to travel with once you tell him"

"I know im gonna owe you guys a lot for this but its gotta be done"

"I know i just hate you guys didn't work out after everything ya know?"

"I know i hate it to but somethings cant be helped"

"I know"

"Hey bro i gotta go train I'll talk to ya later"

"Alright sis. Dont work yourself to hard"

"Haha i won't see ya tomorrow"

"Alright bye"

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