Part 12 don't go lex

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so after we investigated mine and mikes house we got rid of the spirit that I had brought home with me. and now I'm worried about going back to work because of that. me and mike have been talking a lot about it the last few days and I'm really scared to go back out on the road with the crew because what happened. this is a new feeling to me because I've never really been scared of anything in all my life until now with this. mike says I should go back to work with them if I love it but I also have my career to think about. don't get me wrong I love working with the crew but I've worked all my life for the career I have with WWE and as hard as I've worked for it I cant give it up. I love working with the crew too but I'm scared to go back out with them. it scares me to know that I can bring something home with me that could hurt mike.

I know the last 2 days I've worried zak but I don't know how to tell him that I'm scared to come back to work with them. I love it I really do its just scaring me to death and I don't know what to do. I told mike I heading over to zaks while hes hanging out with ran and john so now I'm getting dressed and heading out the door and to zaks house.

I get over to zaks door and he always tells me if the doors unlocked to just come in and the doors unlocked so I'm going in. I walk in his home gym and start lifting. 15 minutes later he finishes and says "hey lexa" I smile and say "hey zak"

I get up off the weight bench and put my head in my hands before getting up and going in the kitchen to get a drink. I sit down on the couch and say "zak I have something to tell you" he comes over and sits down beside me and says "okay....what's up lex?"

I say "I don't know how to say this and honestly I feel stupid to say this but you need to know"

he says "what's wrong?"

I say "zak I'm scared to come back to work with you guys, this whole spirit I brought home has me scared to death.......what if I bring another one home and it hurts me or mike. I don't know how to deal with it or get rid of just scares me"

he says "alexa sweetheart, its just a risk you have to take. if you bring another one home me and the guys will be here every step of the way getting rid of it I promise. I know its scary the first time, I was scared too when I brought the first spirit home but I had the crew with me every step of the way getting rid of it and you will too. I know it scares you and mike having something in your house you cant see but its not so bad."

I say "I just.....I don't know how mike's going to handle having something like that in our home again.........he thought someone had broken in this time so he grabbed my hand gun from my night stand and ran downstairs to do his swat act then he saw the couches and stuff moved then I screamed cause I heard talking in the bathroom so he ran back upstairs and fell over the blanket he dropped in the floor on his way out of our room. if it happens again I don't know how hes gonna act or if hes even gonna wanna stay with me anymore"

zak says "alexa don't worry, mike loves you, I can see it in the way he looks at you when your not looking, the way he talks about you when your not around, the way he says your name, the way he holds you in his arms like he's protecting you. lex he's gone over you and he's not going anywhere. I know its not my place to tell you but I know the look of a man in love because I was in love with you too and I acted the exact same way.........truthfully I'm still in love with you but I know we are like fire and gasoline we are no good for each other. but mike he's good for you and your good for him. now stop worrying that pretty head of yours, you got training to do for your career and a lockdown in 6 days to prepare for so you go home and spend time with your guy before its time to head out and get back to working your ass off"

I smile and say "where did you got the rack to say that bagans?"

he laughs and says "well I did have a pretty great best friend well still do and I dated a wrestler so I guess I get it from her"

I smile and say "well I guess I had a bigger influence on you then I thought I did." I get up from the bar stool and start to walk out of the kitchen before turning around and walking back over to zak and hugging him then I walk out and stop at the front door and say "thanks zak"

he comes around the corner and says "thanks for what?"

I smile and say "well everything, the setting my ass straight on mike and for helping me with the spirit and the house"

he smiles and says "lex its my job as boss, crew mate and best friend to help you when I can so I did. no need to thank me, I didn't mind helping cause I got to spend time with my best friend"

I smile and say "thanks bagans. your a pretty great boss you know!"

he laughs and says "yea..yea...yea. alright lex go home and be with mike okay"

I smile and say "alright bagans! send me the stuff for the next lockdown okay?"

he says "alright lex"

with that I walk out the door and walk down the sidewalk when my mikey muscles comes into view so I run in his arms and say "hey babe did you miss me?"

he laughs and says "yes I missed you. I was just getting ready to come see if you were okay you had been gone a while"

I smile and say "yea I'm alright I just had to talk to zak and let him set me straight on a few things"

mike smiles and says "I'm glad now shall we go grab some lunch Ms bliss?"

I smile and say "that sounds amazing! carry me?"

he smiles and says "oh I don't know babe I'm kinda tired and your heavy"

I slap his arm and he laughs and I say "mike!"

he laughs and says "I'm kidding babe!" he picks me up and carrys me to the car and puts me in before climbing in his side and backing out.

we pull up at fire stick grill. we fall out and go inside and get our lunch. I love this place.

once we finished lunch we went down to the beach and took a long walk until the sun started setting. this is one of those things I love most about living in florida beautiful beach front sunsets!.

we went back to the house and went inside and mike says "babe I want you to go in the living room and close your eyes I've got a surprise for you. I know its like the days late but it wasn't ready yet but its ready and here now" I walk in the living room and cover my eyes and mike goes in the kitchen and the next thing I hear is a puppy crying then I hear mike comes back in the living room and says "babe open your eyes" I open my eyes and turn around to see a great dane puppy in mikes arms and my heart starts melting.

I smile and say "babe its so cute!!! is it a boy or a girl?"

he smiles and says "I'm glad because they said I couldn't get a return or a replacement"

I laugh and say "haha babe so is it a girl or boy?"

he smiles and says "its a boy so what are you going to name him?"

I smile and say "I think i'll name you bandit little guy"

mikes smiles and says "that fits perfect. and I have another surprise for you"

I take his hand nervously and follow him out the back door to look at the ocean.

we walk out the back door and I see the whole back yard covered in white Christmas lights and all our friends and family standing there smiling up at us on the back deck. mike turns to me and says "alexa-"

cliff hanger!!!!!!!

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