Part 9 makin up and breakin up

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so today is interview day and me and zak are still pissed at each other.....he's probably more pissed at me because I'm sharing a room with billy but I don't care. so I've been thinking about how I'm going to break up with him and I've decided to do it the day after lockdown so bacon only has to deal with him on the road home cause billy, jay, Ashley and aaron are getting on the flight with me to south Dakota for my next match the night following our lockdown. since I'm a investigator I have to interview people I'm not a big people person so doing interviews aint exactly my thing but It comes with the job. so now I'm getting ready to leave the hotel with the guys so we can get to work and get these interviews and walk throughs done. I just got done doing my hair and makeup and now I'm heading out the door to meet the crew. I walk out the door and run straight into zak whos standing like 3 foot away from the room door. as soon as I ran into him he started cussing then turned around to see it was me and his face softened and he says "oh I'm sorry lexa" I nod ok and head for the stairs while everyone but zak took the elevator. I start down the stairs and zak says "alexa I'm sorry about yesterday. it's been a rough week already" I say "its fine." he says "no its not fine alexa" I say "yea it is. I snapped at you and you snapped at me its not a big deal. I'm use to it zak we fight every time you guys pick me up and we spend time together so don't worry about it" he says "yea but I do. why do we always fight about everything?" I say "maybe because we aren't meant to be together" he says "alexa that cant be it, I mean we've worked things out and we are good aren't we?" I say "just because we worked things out and we are good doesn't mean its set in stone that we are meant to be, somethings just aren't mean to be at all" he says "so we just keep fighting for us" I say "zak if we fell apart once we'll keep doing it. we can only fall apart so many times before things aren't fixable. I cant spend my life fighting to keep us together when we might not be meant to be together. its not fair to me and its not fair to you to spend our lives fighting to be with someone we have never ending fights with" he says "yea its not fair if we aren't meant to be but we are alexa! we were best friends who fell in love with each other alexa! we waited for each other and we never stopped loving each other if that's not meant to be then I don't know what is" I say "that's just it zak when we were best friends we didn't fight ever and now that we are a couple we fight all the time. something is trying to tell us we aren't meant to be, they are trying to tell us we are better as best friends" he says "yea we didn't fight as best friends because we never had anything to fight about but now we fight about every single thing." I say "yea zak we do. I miss the days where we were best friends and we never fought about anything, I miss the friendship we had then cause our relationship now is shit." we stop on the stairs and sit down and he says "where did we go wrong?" I say "well maybe it was trying to be more then best friends" he says "alexa I love you" I smile and say "I know and I love you but I think maybe it was a bad idea for us to try and be more then friends, things have been horrible between us since we got started in whatever this is" he says "so what do we do to try and fix things?" I say "well maybe we should just go back to being friends and forget these feelings we have for each other" he says "I cant forget that I'm in love with you alexa" I sign and say "zak you've got to. I cant make you happy anymore because we are always fighting. I know your miserable and I'm not far from it" he says "alexa-" I cut him off and say "zak please don't make this any harder than it already is" he says "alexa you know you'll still have your job here with us right" I say "I know and I'm still going be out here with y'all 4 days like I am now. zak I'm really sorry about how this ended with us." he says "alexa it's okay, it hurts me to know we cant work this shit out but I understand why you want out just like all the others" I say "I don't want out I just want us both to be happy and for us to stop fighting and the only way to stop it Is for us to break up and get back to being best friends, its the only way and I hate it but theres nothing I can do" he says "I didn't mean to say you were like the others, I understand it just hurts ya know" I say "I know and I'm sorry, we just weren't meant to be or at least this just isn't our time" he says "yea I hope that's it. maybe its just not our time. maybe later in a couple years" I says "yea maybe. you know I'm not leaving the crew right?" he laughs and says "I didn't figure you would, you never do leave unless you want to" I smile and say "your damn right I don't. now I think we should probably get down stairs with the guys we've been gone a while" he smiles and says "yea we should. so we best friends again?" I smile and take his hand and say "always Bagans, always!" we get to the lobby and find the crew then we head to the rental car.

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