why can't you understand?

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"babe can you come watch hunter while I get packed please?" I yelled pulling hunter off the bedding in our room as mike plays with Sophia downstairs.

"yea babe, i'll be there in a second" he yelled back 

I tried to grab a few more things from the closet only to have to grab hunter again as he climbed on the bench at the foot of our bed. sighing I turned and grabbed him off again just as mike walked in the room with Sophia following right behind him.

"I'll take this little man. you just worry about getting packed baby" mike said pecking me on the cheek.

"thank you" I said as he sat down on the floor beside the bed paying with Sophia and hunter.

"how long are you going to be gone?" mike asked still playing with hunter in the floor

"just 10 days. we're doing 2 locations in 2 different places but the morning we are let out of the second location i'm heading home"

"I'm going to miss you like crazy babe" mike said as stood up from the floor.

"I know i'm going to miss you too, but i'll be back before you guys even notice i'm gone, promise" I said with my arms rested around his waist as he held my face in his hands

"4 hours away from you is like 4 years, we'll notice your gone baby" sadly he was right but I knew I needed to do this.

"I know but I've gotta do this for myself" I looked him in the eyes.

"I know and I understand" a smile took his face and he bent down to kiss me before a knock came from the front door meaning mikes mom was here to get hunter for the weekend, I leave on Monday night and mikes mama wanted to keep the kids this weekend but Sophia didn't want to go stay so we are having a weekend for 3 while hunter is with grandma. 

"I better go let mom in" he chuckled.

"okay" I smiled letting him go before popping him on the but as he turned to walk out to let him mom in.

she picked up hunter and Sophia. after Sophia saw grandma she changed her mind about staying with grandma and grandpa for the weekend so now its just going to be me and mike until Monday.

we went down to the beach and stayed all weekend acting kinda of like reckless youngsters before we came home and went to bed before we got up early and he kissed me goodbye for 10 days. 

6am zak, bacon, billy and Dakota pulled up outside the house to pick me up. 

I carried my bag out and zak greeted me with a hug along with bacon, billy and Dakota then we got on the bus and headed to Wyoming for the first investigation. 

we had been on the road about 2 hours, billy and Dakota stuck in their own conversation along with bacon and zak in theirs I sat listening to music and reading with my booted feet on the bench beside me. 

I was starting to doze off when zak came back and sat down beside me after moving my feet. 

"so mizanin whats been going on with you lately, haven't heard much out of you today?" zak asked 

"nothing much, just tired this morning" I told him yawning.

"you and mike hit it hard last night?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows

"maybe...." I started to grin

"alright so how's mike, Sophia and hunter?" he asked 

"their doing good, getting more rotten every day. Sophia she is mike made over only shes going to be my size and hunter well he's me made over but hes getting mikes height I think. I can't believe hes almost 2" I smiled finding the picture we took of the 4 of us at Disneyland last weekend and showing it to him

"they're growing so fast lex, but Sophia she is a mini mike."

"I know I wish they would slow down. its like Sophia was born just yesterday and now shes almost as big as I am." I shook my head as he looked at the other pictures I had take of the kids the last week.

"it looks like you and mike have done a really good job with them lex." he smiled looking at the last one on the camera roll which is Sophia sleeping beside me in mine and mikes bed on Thursday morning when mike got up to go for a run.

"thanks zak" I smiled taking my phone back

"you guys have done good together" he smiled.


hey guys! I know its been a super long time since I've updated this story and this chapter is pretty short compared to the others but its a start to getting back on track with updates right? anyways hope you guys enjoy! remember to vote and comment!!

                                                                        -Love, Kenzie!

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