Part 20 lot on my mind these days

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After thanksgiving lex seemed to have a lot on her mind and i think its that asshat zak.

He's always the reason shes got so much on her mind.

Since thanksgiving is over everyones gone back home except casen my brother in law the marine.

Turns out my beautiful wife was right he is actually a pretty cool guy and most of all he doesn't hate me.

Anyways. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, having kids running through this big house is exactly what it needed.

Maybe its time to talk kids with lex......i think she really wants them but she just isn't ready just yet, honestly i can't blame her i don't think im ready to be a daddy just yet either....maybe in a few years.

Right now its time for just me and alexa. Life as a married man is pretty awesome.

3 months ago

Waking up in bed alone hearing the shower i know where lex is. I get up and around the bed going to walk out on the balcony in our bedroom like i do every morning

I stop when i hear lexa's phone ring i walk over and look at the screen before answering it

"Hey mama"

I imagine her smile before saying "good morning mike"

"Everything alright ma? You dont usually call this early"

"Umm yea i actually called to talk to you.....i forgot to put your number in my phone and i couldn't remember it so i called in hopes you'd answer instead of lexa"

"Oh okay. Whats up?"

"So i found an old c10 truck that lexa always wanted and was thinking maybe get it and have it restored for her for christmas?"

I walk out and close the balcony door so lexa doesnt hear me

"Yea that sounds like a great idea, shes always talking about wanting one but she said she hadnt found just the right one yet"

"I think we should get this one....this is the one she use to drool over all the time"

"Okay have you talked to them yet?"

"I called about it yesterday and they said we could come look at it today or tomorrow. I know you don't really know much about cars so i thought maybe me, you and casen could go look at it?"

"Yea that sounds great. We could go around one or i could get john to distract alexa today"

"That sounds like a better idea cause she always finds out"

"That she does"

"Alright so that's all i wanted so I'll let you go and attend to lexa, shes probably just now waking up ain't she?"

"Actually shes in the shower....she was up before i woke up"

"Really? That's odd for lexa...she's usually never up before 10 or 10:30"

"I know. I think she said something about going with john somewhere this morning"

"Oh ok that explains it.. I talked to him last night and he said he was taking to a marine base today to meet some of the soldiers"

"Oh.. I hope he's gonna take care of her while shes there"

"Mike lexa won't let anyone take her away from you. If she was going to let that happen she would still be with zak and she's crazy about you"

"I hate that prick. Talk about me being a pretty boy yet he won't be seen out in the woods with a gun in hand"

"I know. He's arrogant too. Lexa always wanted to take him hunting but he wouldn't never go"

"I'll gladly go. I never thought it was my thing but im glad i went cause i actually like it"

"Well thats good. Alright mike i gotta go. Lexas aunt is here and we are gonna go out before we go look at her truck"

"Alright ma. Have fun. Tell Becca i said hi"

"Alright i will"



With that we hung up and i went back inside.

Going outside shirtless in my boxers wasn't a glod idea its cold out there.

Going back inside i find lexa in the bedroom getting dressed.

I walk over behind her and wrap my arms around her before kissing her neck.

I'm one lucky man

marrying alexa was the best decision I ever made in my life besides my career with WWE.



damn I'm a lucky woman to be able to wake up next to this man every morning.

he is the sexiest, most amazing guy I've ever met in my life and now I'm married to him and insanely happy.........honestly I didn't think I could be happy knowing that zak is pissed off at me.

changing the subject of how lucky I am to me and mike, seeing his face at thanksgiving with all the little kids running around.......I'm starting to think he wants a baby and honestly I'm kinda starting to think about it.

I don't think I'm ready to be a mom just yet but if I get pregnant me and mike will just take it day by day and be the best parents we can be.

I can't wait to be a mom to mikes day.

last night I dreamed that I found out I was pregnant and I told mike and he was so thrilled, then the next morning we were laying in bed and he laid his head on my tummy he thought I was asleep and he said "baby I want you to be a girl so you can have your mommys beauty and strength" at that moment in my dream I could feel my heart melt.

all my younger years and before mike I had always said that I never wanted kids but once I met mike and we got together then we got married I've thought well maybe kids wouldn't be to bad. all because mike,

no doubt in my mind that mike has changed my whole life and for the better, mike changed the way I look at life and my choices even though I'm 26 and I'm still going to make stupid decisions because well that's just what 26 year olds do, mike makes better decisions then me but his reason for that is he has lived 4 years longer than me and had a better upbringing than myself.

 I wasn't brought up in a fancy house with everything I ever wanted I had to work for it, money was really tight with my family and with my mom being the only one who raised me, casen and Elaine it was hard but it made me a better, humbled, grateful person and that's the person I am today. I struggled getting where I am today.

growing up I was fat and convinced that no matter how much I wanted to sign with WWE that I'd never be given the chance because of my looks and my weight but things changed thanks to my amazing trainer. boogie, I owe that man a lot.

john and mike both thought I was joking when I said I was trained by boogie woogie man the old wrestler but once they met and Jim told them stories about the days we spent training they knew I wasn't kidding.

jim is one of the best trainers I could ever have.

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