Part 17 it's just over.

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6 months later. {Alexa} [zak and alexa got engaged]

so after the bar fight and coming back from texas it was time for our next lockdown in south haven, new York. so we packed up again and left our houses and hit the road with the crew.

since moving to florida the crew came down a few weekends a month and stayed, they more often then not stayed at zaks........well we all pretty much lived at zaks. whether it was falling asleep after reviewing footage or just packing an overnight bag I would almost always end up at zaks,

why because he's my best friend,

the one I count on, the one whos there when I need him no matter the time of day or night,

the one who didn't judge me,

the one who always cares when it seems none else best friend zak.

lately I've thought a lot more about zak and I think its because maybe I'm still in love with him.

and maybe that's what scares me the most being in love again. or maybe never truly being out of love yet still getting hurt is what scares me.

my far past and recent past with love has been well everything but great......if I'm being completely honest it's been nothing short of a nightmare.

and getting involved with zak again would only get both our hopes up only to have them crushed once again.

truth is my marriage to mike ended because I felt like I was cheating whenever I went on location with zak and the crew, that's why a few months after me and mike got married I stopped traveling with the crew and just stayed home and traveled with WWE which was my job. then once me and mike got divorced I worked with WWE a little while but seeing mike and the hurt look in his eyes hurt me more then anything because I knew I had caused that hurt.

zak was my reason for divorcing mike, at the court house mike and I both shed tears after walking out of the court room. I loved mike and I still do honestly I want to be with him.

half my life I've dreamed of marrying zak and having a family with him but once we met up again I knew it's not at all possible because zak can't live like that, once upon a time I couldn't live like that either but once I married mike I found out that I could and I wanted to but still having zak as my best friend no marriage I have will ever last just like my marriage to mike.

I hate blaming someone else for the problems concerning me but this really was his fault and he didn't even know it. all he knew was that he loved me and as long as I was around he would forever have a best friend because he knew I could never say goodbye to him...there was never a chance that I could have the heart to tell him.

zak was and always will be a part of my life that made everything else disappear. zak always wants me to be happy before everything but little does he know he seems to crush all my dream and now that I'm his PA he's going to have more control over me.

the last 3 days I've been talking to mike and deciding when I'm coming back to WWE. I'm returning to WWE in 3 weeks and somehow I have to tell zak that I'm leaving vegas, the show and most of all the job, he whole hearted wanted me to have just so I would have a job.

on the phone with zak.


"hey lex whats up why aren't you here yet?"

"hey umm I'm not coming in today but I do need to talk to you"

"is everything alright?"

"yea everythings good. how bout I come pick you up and we go to lunch?"

"yeah that sounds good. just pick me up at the museum"

"alright i'll be over in a bit."

"Alexa are you sure everything is okay? you don't sound convincing"

"yea everything's fine. just got a lot on my mind today"

"alright well you better take it off before lunch"

"haha yea sure bagans. I'll see you in a bit"

"alright bliss"



now comes the fun part...........quitting the job.

picking zak up from the museum had been fairly easy until he started asking questions when we got to the restaurant.

we were setting at a table at the rainforest café and I finally found the courage to break the news. knowing me leaving vegas and the crew would not only break his heart but it would also break the crews heart.

"zak theres something I need to tell you"

"okay good ahead. you haven't been your self today so maybe it'll help"

"zak please don't be upset or heart broken"


"zak I'm leaving vegas"

"what?!?! why?!?!?!"

"its just not my home anymore."

"but its been home for the past year"

"I know but my homes in florida and Nashville"

"okay so i'll go back to florida"

"zak I'm leaving the crew"


"and I'm quitting my job. I suck as your PA and it's just not me. I can't do it"

"but you've did it before now"

"I know I just......I didn't think about what I really wanted and now I have"

"okay so what do you really want? i'll give you anything you wont just please don't quit and leave"

"zak I have to. I can't stay here anymore. I'm going back to WWE"

"please don't do this"

"it's my dream, I just can't do something I don't love anymore"

"but what about us? the crew? gracie? what are we supposed to do?"

"zak y'all are grown men y'all can live without me and gracie she'll be okay once he gets used to me being gone. and as for us........I'm letting you go. I know better then anymore that you getting married isn't what you want, it never has been and never will be. it's okay i'll always be around if you need me, I'm only a phone call away. Goodbye, please don't cry we both know I'm not what you need. I will always love you, Zachary alexander bagans" I wipe the tear from my eye before pulling the ring off my left hand and placing it in his hand.

"Alexa please" he placed his sheds down over his eyes that  were getting watery

"I'm sorry zak, I have to go" I get up and he follows me out and I drop him off at the museum before going to my place and getting my bags before heading to L.A. to catch up with vince from WWE to resign my contract.


Alexa just broke my heart into a million pieces.


hey y'all hope your enjoying the story so far! please remember to vote!

I know this part is a tear jerker for those who fall into part with alexa or zak or at least I think it is. anyways new part going up tomorrow night which will be 3 months after alexa leaves.


                                                   'the crush'

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