Part 14 letting go and letting tears fall

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    {zak} 7 months later.

today I watched my best friend and love of my life marry mike. it hurt like hell to see it knowing it should have been me but seeing how important it was to lex that I be here I came just to make her smile. the smile I'd do anything to see. I know I cant think like that anymore she's married to mike now and she's off limits. as much as I love her I cant make her smile like mike, I can't make her laugh like mike can, I can't make her do anything like mike can. it hurts like hell but at least she's still my best friend and..........forever the love of my life alexa christen kaufman the one that got away.

22 months later.


for the last 22 months I haven't heard much from lex and its broke my heart because I had her back for a year then she ran again, I cant help but think mike is the reason I haven't heard from her. personally I don't have anything against him but this hurts. I got choked from my thoughts by my phone ringing. I pick it up and its lex. I answer the phone

she says "hey bagans"

as much as I want to smile hearing her voice I cant bring myself to because I hear sadness.

I say "hey steele whats wrong?"

she says "can I come see you, I'm back in florida at the airport"

I say "sure do you want me to come get you?"

she says "would you mind?"

I say "nope I don't mind at all. I'm on my way okay. i'll be there soon"

she says "thanks bagans.......I need you now"

I grin and say "ok i'll see you in a few"

she says "alright, bye zak"

I say "bye alexa"

I couldn't help but worry her voice sounded sad and not like the normal alexa at all. not the alexa I know....not MY alexa. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door and jumped in the rolls before stomping the gas. 10 minutes later I arrive at the airport.

I pull in a space and jump out before locking the rolls and running inside.

I call her once I'm inside and say "hey alexa I'm here where you guys at?"

she says "I'm at baggage claim, see you in a second"

I say "alright"

I walk toward baggage claim and see alexa. she spots me and a smile appears in her face as she runs in her cowboy boots with her duffle bag over her shoulder into my arms. I catch her in my arms and spin her around before saying

"I missed you like hell. where have you been?"

she smiled weakly and says "I'm missed you too Z. I've been in Ohio"

I say "what were you doing in Ohio"

she says "I was with mike til things went to shit and we fell apart" lie!

I say "oh I'm sorry lex, why didn't you call me before now?"

she shakes her head and says "I wish I had."

I put my arm around her shoulder and take her bag before leading her out of the airport and to the car before getting in and saying "so you hungry?"

she smiled and said "you know my bagans I'm always hungry"

I smile and pull out of the parking space before heading to her favorite place and feeding her.

once we had lunch we went back to our houses and went for a walk on the beach. we walked fore a little bit before jana stopped and sat down in the sanding. I sat down beside her and said "so what happened with you and mike."

she took a deep breath and signed before saying "well things were great until we both found out we wanted different things. he wanted to live in Ohio and I wanted to be here or in Nashville. one day we sat down and talked about where we stood and agreed that there wasn't any use in us staying together because we fought more than anything else. I loved him and he loved me but we just weren't meant to be" lie!

after hearing all that I felt sorry for lex. I say "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"

she shrugs and says "its alright, we shouldn't have rushed and got married in the first place. it was a stupid move on our part"

I say "it wasn't stupid you guys were in love and that's what mattered. he didn't break your heart did he because if he did i'll break his face"

she chuckles and says "no your not bagans. we ended on good terms and now its time for me to figure out whats next in my life. I think it might be time for me to give up the whole wrestling thing. I love it and all but I think its time for me to move on to something new"

I say "but are you sure you want to give up the career you worked your ass off for all your life?"

she shrugs and says "I just- I just don't think I want all of that anymore. the training 12 hours a day, all the rushing. the thrill of the match is gone now, its all the same almost every week, and now I'm having to play roles sometimes kissing guys I don't like that way or doing something stupid. I love wrestling but I cant keep doing the same thing over and over again."

I smile remembering alexa always had to have the thrill and danger with everything she did.

I say "you've really thought about this haven't you?"

she smiles and says "yea been thinking about it since me and mike divorced and I've decided  that I wanna run barrels and rope again. the PBR tour is coming to vegas again soon and I'm going. theres someone I need to see there."

I smile and say "you always were good at that kinda thing weren't ya?"

she smiles and says "cowgirling and rodeoing is in my blood I'm good at it because I loved it with a passion."

I smile and say "well when are you letting WWE know that your leaving?"

she says "oh I already let them know. I came here to see you and tell you all this and I came to see john and explain why I wont be coming back to training"

I say "oh ok. does your mom know about you and mike?"

she pushes her mouth to the side and says "yea she knows"

I say "good"

once we had our talk we got up and went into her house.


I know this is a horrible chapter my head wasn't working well last night. next chapter will hopefully be 10x better.

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