School Janitor

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'Cameron, I just can't take this anymore It's just not working'
'No, please we can work this out' as he holds your waist. You grab his hand and gently place it on his thigh. 'i'm sorry but I just really don't think this relationship is working, i'm so sorry' A tear rolls down his soft, supple cheek and your heart feels like it's about to break into a million pieces, you absolutely hate seeing Cameron upset. 'One more try, please' Cameron says with a sorry tone in his voice. You shake your head and say 'i'm sorry, i've had it' you walk out of the door and think about turning back, but you try everything you can to stop yourself, you do.

The next day at school everyone comes up to you and asks about you and Camerons break up, they're suspicious because you and him have been together for 2 years already, you don't want to explain so you just ignore and carry on walking. Your next class is Math and you realise you sit next to Cameron, your heart races as you walk into class. Cameron rips out a piece of paper from his book and writes the words 'meet me at the Janitor after class, we need to talk' you stare at him in his chocolate brown eyes and you dare not to smile.

Cameron grabs your hand after Math and you say 'Cameron, what the heck are you doing?!'
'You'll see' he opens the door and gently pushes you in, he slams you against the wall and starts violently making out with you. He says sorry an goes 'I'm so sorry Y/N babe, please forgive me, I know you love this' you laugh and smile and you loved your make out sessions so much so you just play along with it 'okay Cam, but please don't hurt me like that again'
'Okay babe' as he makes out with you even more.

First one, don't judge! :)

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now