For Makayla

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Oh my god. You think to yourself. Today was the day you were finally going to Disneyland, and the best part was that you were going with your loving boyfriend, Cameron.

You went to go and get changed. You opted out for your favourite outfit, and put on some cute Minnie Mouse ears which were bought the previous time you visited. You applied a touch of makeup and brushed your hair so it looked silky soft.

You came out of the bathroom to find Cameron all dressed up in a cute t-shirt, shorts and Vans. He looked pretty cute. "You ready Makayla?"
"As ready as i'll ever be!" you grab onto Camerons hand and walk out the apartment door. Seen as you both on vacation to Florida it was the perfect opportunity to go to Disneyland.

Cameron calls for a taxi on the street, it's summer right now so it's boiling hot. A taxi comes and you and Cam jump in. "I'm so excited omg" you say.
"Awww, you're so cute when you're excited"
"Thanks, I love Disneyland so much"
"I'm glad we're going, I love to make you smile Makayla"
"Awww, you're so cute" you snuggle onto Cameron for the rest of the car journey.

When you arrive at Disneyland, you run straight into the entrance and see the massive palace, it felt like a dream home. "Oh my god!!! It's so beautiful!" You exclaim.
"It's a home fit for you my beautiful princess Makayla"
"Aww, and you're my Prince, Cameron" he laughs and you continue to run.

For the day, you both decide to go on some rides and meet dressed up princesses and Disney characters, you both had a really good time for the day. Now was the time of the day where food was needed. "Hey, I think we should eat our lunch" Cameron had pre-packed some homemade tacos, that were still ever so slightly warm, some crisps, a few cans of coke, and a big bag of Hersheys. "I'll have fun tucking into this" he says, laughing. You and Cameron go to the grass area.

He gets out the food and drink. You grab your share of food and start munching. "This place is so much better than I thought it was going to be" you say, surprised.
"Me too, i've had fun here! And the best part is, I got to spend it with you"
"Aww, honestly, I couldn't imagine coming here with anyone else"
"That's cute"
"These tacos are so good"
"Thanks! Made them myself, best you'll ever try"
"I don't know about that"
"What did you say?" Cameron laughs and starts to tickle you until you both roll over and he lands on top of you. "Cam we're in public, stop" you laugh. He gets off of you.

After your food, you sit back and relax a little. "Hey! We never checked out the gift shop! Race you there!" You got up and ran to the gift shop. Cameron rolled his eyes and laughed, chasing after you.

You walk into the gift shop to see what felt like endless shelves of Disney gifts. Cute little teddies and princesses just sitting there, waiting to be bought. You walked over to the section that sold Mickey Mouse ears, and you thought it would be cute if Cameron wore a pair to match yours. You turned around and Cam was behind you. "You wore me out Makayla!" He said, panting heavily.
"Sorry babe, I thought it would be cute if you wore these ears, to match me"
"That's such a good idea!"
"Cool, let's go pay hehe" you strut to the till and pay for the items, you also picked up a couple of stationery items and a little Cinderella doll for your sister too.

After the gift shop, it starts to get a little dark and after such a long day, you just want to sit back and relax. You hand Cameron his Mickey Mouse ears and he puts them, instantly. "Hey, there's a firework display, we should go and watch?" You suggest.
"Sounds good to me!"
"Awesome" Cam grabs your hand and squeezes it, indicating you not to let go. He stares at you for a moment, you pretend not to notice, but you can see him out the corner of your eye.

You and Cam find a nice spot to watch the fireworks, Cameron sits up, with his hands behind his back so he's leaning slightly, he manages to find the picnic blanket and wraps it around you both. "I'm tired Cam"
"Here, lay on my knee" You look at him for a split second and then don't hesitate to complete his suggestion. You lay your head on his knee and he puts his left hand on your head. Stroking and fiddling with your hair. "So you had a good day?" He asks.
"Sure did, thank you so much for this, best treat I could ever ask for"
"No problem princess"
"I love you Cam"
"I love you too Makayla" You sit up and get closer to him, your lips combine and make the perfect kiss. All of a sudden, a firework goes off and the kiss breaks. You smile at him and your noses touch eachother.

After a long day, you fall asleep at the firework display held in Camerons arms, he makes you feel so safe and protected, like nobody could hurt you. It's been a great day, and the best was that you got to spend it with the love of your life, Cameron.

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