For Claire

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You wake up to the bright, shining sun beaming through your apartment window, your perfect boyfriend, Cameron right beside you with his head buried in the pillow, fast asleep still. You stroke his fluffy, bed hair. You sit upright, stretching your arms out, it felt good, especially after such a long sleep, you and Cameron had good "fun" last night.

You decide to go and make breakfast because you were craving food, you go into the kitchen and start frying up some bacon and toast, the kitchen smelt so good, it made your mouth water. You turned on the radio and your favourite song came on, you started to dance a little, you had this instinct that today will be good, after all, it is the weekend. After your little dancing session, you feel a hand touch your waist and you whizz around to see Cameron. "Oh shoot! You scared me" you say, wrapping your arms around his neck"
"I'm sorry princess" he said, while twirling you around.
"Don't be" you say, as he starts kissing your neck. You love when Cameron does this.

You and Cameron both eat breakfast and soon find yourself bored. "What should we do?"
"We could go to the park?"
"Yeah sure, we could grab some lunch soon after"
"You know well"

You both walk hand in hand to the park. Cameron has this thing where he just makes you feel so safe, you love it so much. When you get there you run straight to the swings and Cameron chases after you in an attempt to catch up. "Geez Claire, you're fast" he said, out of breath, bending down so he's touching his knees.
"Thank you, thank you" you say, laughing. You grab Cameron's hand while you're both on the swings. After a little awkward silence Cameron all of a sudden comes out with "I love you so much, Claire"
"Not as much as I love you"
"Believe me, nobody could love me as much as I do, beautiful"
"Wanna bet?"
"Stand up"
"Why?" You say, a little nervously.
"Just do it, Claire"

Cameron got down on one knee and held out a beautiful silver ring. "Now listen Claire, i've been wanting to do this for absolutely ages, but i've been so afraid you'd say no, but hear me out, I love you so so much and i'm willing to drop down everything for you, will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"
"Of course I will! Oh my god!!!!!" You put your hands to your mouth and he placed the ring on your finger. He picked you up and twirled you around and cuddled you so hard.

And that Claire, is how you became Camerons fiancee at the weekend ;)

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