Youtube Video

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Just wanted to say sorry I haven't updated in so long!

So you and Cameron are bored af, he suggests that you make a Youtube video with him, you agree.

"What about you do my makeup?" You suggest.

"Sure, good idea" he laughs.

You go and grab your makeup bag and come back to see Cameron adjusting the camera. it starts recording. "Hey guys! So today I'm here with my girlfriend Y/N! And i'll be doing her makeup!"

"Yeah! So he can use anything he wants and i'm not allowed to say anything to help him"

"Yep! So let's get started" Cam says doing a little dance.

He pulls out a powder which is actually cream bronzer. "What the hell is this?"

"Can't say" you laugh. He takes a scoop and rubs it over your face, laughing at probably how orange you looked. He kept smearing it about until he seemed satisfied. Next, he pulled out some blusher and actually took the right brush, he dabbed it in and swirled it on your orange cheeks. He stared at you to make sure it looked okay.

After all the face makeup, Cameron moves on to the eyes. "So tell me what you're gonna use, Cameron"

"I'm using this blue eyeshadow to define your eyes" he laughs.

"Haha, you have no idea do you?"

"Nope" He takes the eyeshadow and swipes it across your eyes, and onto the browbone. He cackles loudly. He then takes some mascara and flicks them up, you can feel the mascara getting everywhere above your lashes.

"And we're done!" He hands you a mirror and you laugh so hard. You look absolutely awful but you don't say it. "You look hot" Cameron says.

"Awwww tysm"

"So thats it for todays video guys" He says.

"Let us know if you want more videos similar to this and we'll do them"

Cameron puts his hand to the camera and stares at you. "That was fun"

"I know right" you gave him a cheeky smile. He pounces on you and you crash to the floor, you both violently make out until all is over.

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now