Movie Night

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It's Friday, you know it's you and Camerons movie night, you go to the kitchen to grab some Coke and popcorn, you grab the cup and bowl and place it on the table in the living room. Cameron walks in shirtless with his Adidas trackies on, your favourite.

Cameron sits on the sofa while you put the Paranormal Activity on, you and Cam are a huge fan of horror films. After you're done he grabs your hand and forces you onto the sofa bed. 'Don't think you're going anyway Y/N'

'Oh trust me, I won't' he winks at you and you smile.

You and Cam shove endless amounts of popcorn into your mouths, and wash it down with huge glasses of ice cold coke. A loud noise makes you jump as a paranormal encounter happens on the TV. 'Scared you, didn't it?' Cameron laughs. You lightly punch him on the arm. 'Hey, don't take the mick' You catch Camerons gaze and hop onto his lap, you start to intensely make out, your nails dig into his bare back leaving traces of red lines down his back. 'Y/N, you're so violent'

'Wonder where I get it from' continuing to kiss his lips, the night went on and you continue your makeout session and movie.

Sorry this one was bad, I ran out of ideas :(

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