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It's our big day, me and Camerons wedding day, i've been waiting for this moment to come since last April. We planned it all out and now it's here, Cameron hasn't seen my dress yet, but I can't wait to see his face when he does, I hope he likes it.

My stylist prepares me for the ceremony, she slips on my dress, leaving a perfect white trail behind me, It was sensational. I decided to go for a natural look on makeup, I didn't want to go over the top, not today anyway. She curled my long brown hair letting the curls fall perfectly to my back leaving a silky smooth curl. I was ready and just needed to put the vail on. I did so.

Cameron booked me a white limo, which was just perfect, I stepped inside and realised how lucky I am. I looked around the limo, with all it's lights and large seating, and a couple of flowers here and there. I kept wondering where the venue was, a church, an open venue? Who knows?

I arrived, but I had to be blindfolded because it was a surprise, my mother led me to where it was and took my blindfold off, I immediately put my hands to my mouth in shock and realised I was on a balcony that overlooked the scenery of California. The crystal clear water and palm trees just blew my mind.

Until I knew it, it was time to walk down the aisle, I slipped my arm through my fathers arm and we walked to the arch, my dress trailing behind me, I saw Cameron with his back turned, I bet he was so tempted to turn around at that moment, I was at the arch and Cameron looked to the side in shock and whispered in my ear 'you look beautiful'
'Thank you, not so bad yourself' I giggled and I slipped my hand into his, we held.

'Do you, Cameron Alexander Dallas take Y/N' to be your lawful wedded wife?'
'I do, sir.' I blushed.
'And do you, Y/N, take Cameron to be your lawful wedded husband?'
'I do, sir' Cameron smiled at me.

My little brother came over with two rings on two separate pillows, ready to place them on our fingers. Cameron took my ring and slid it on to my ring finger, it was sparkly and glimmered in the sun, it fitted perfectly. I took Camerons ring and placed it on his ring finger and his fitted perfectly too.
'You may kiss the bride!' Cameron grabbed my waist and lent me back looking as if I was about to fall, we kissed for about 2 minutes non stop and he helped me back up and the whole crowd clapped in happiness. Today was perfect.

Sorry that was long, i'm not very creative remember but i'm practising :) more soon and i'll also be doing other members soon :) have a good day :)

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