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I walk into the room where I see Cameron laying with just his boxers on watching the World Cup, he looks over at me with his beautiful eyes and lets out a cute little smile at the corner of his supple lips. 'Well hello there baby'

'Hey, um do you wanna come for a drive with me?'

'Of course babe, mind If I take a shower first?

'Mind if I come in too?'

Cameron takes off his boxers and I take off my clothes too, we both stepped in the shower together. We're not embarrassed because we do this all the time. I try not to look down but the temptation is unreal. Cameron massages the shampoo into my silky brown hair and it feels good. I do the same for him and I run my soaking hands down his chest and place my head against his neck, we cuddle.

After the shower, I put on a cropped top, a pair of denim shorts and some white Converse. Cameron was just wearing a hoodie with jeans and Vans, pretty hot. I was a little nervous taking him for a drive because he was a part of a well known event called Magcon, and everywhere we go we always seem to get bombarded with loads of fangirls, I didn't mind though.

'You ready Cam?'

'Of course babe, it's Saturday though, isn't that a little risky, ya know with all the fans and everything'

'I thought you liked meeting them?'

'I do, but I love it just me and you' you smiled, grabbed the keys and walked out the door hand in hand with Cameron.

I opened my car door, Cameron ducking in and slamming the door after him, I got in too and Cameron insisted on driving. 'Allow me to drive babe'


'Because I wanna be the one to take you this time' you stare at him for a little while and finally give in, you swap seats and he steps on the gas right away. 'Where are we going?'

'You'll see' Cameron always does this so you're nervous but used to it at the same time.

We arrived at a beach in California, it's only 1pm and not busy at all, I stepped out kinda sinking in to the sand, Cameron came around to meet me at the side and he grabbed my hand and we walked and managed to find a spot underneath a palm tree. 'we should be safe here, babe.'

'I hope so' Cameron stares into my eyes and I always love it when he does it, it just reminds me of how he looked at me when we first ever met.

The day went on and we both decided we were a little bored so we layed back and I put my right leg over his legs. My head was laying on his chest a his arm was around me, supporting me so I didn't fall. I ran my fingers through his hair. 'Your hair is so soft Cameron'

'Well your hair smells just like coconut'

'You're so sweet'

'I love you Y/N'

'I love you too' I smile at my lovely boyfriend, realising how lucky i am to have him, and no-one could take him from me, he was all mine, and I loved that feeling'

After our little cuddle session we got up and decided to go to Taco Bell, before we went we were caught by a million Magcon obsessed fangirls, we took pictures and spent a little time with them.

Hope you liked it:)

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