Food Fight

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It was a boiling hot day in California. Your hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and your boyfriend Camerons was just goofy, just how you liked it. You looked in your fridge and realised there was loads of fruit just sitting there. 'Cameron!' You called out to him, while he was in the garden.
'Coming babe' Cameron walked in and smiled at you. 'How can I help you?'
'We should make smoothies'
'Good idea'

You and Cameron got the blender and fruit out and decided what to have in them. 'Hmm, I think banana, strawberry, and maybe a little orange?' Cameron suggested.
'Well I think watermelon and strawberry, for the win'
'Come here you' he grabs you by the waist and wraps his arms around you tightly. 'Let go of me!'
'You gotta try babe!' You grab his huge manly hands and manage to slide them off, you laugh so hard you can't stop.

After your laughing session you finally decided to make your smoothies, Cameron insisted you go first, you throw in some strawberry, watermelon and orange, never tried it but it might be nice. You press the button and the noise you both hear is atrociously loud. Cameron laughs and you look at him. After you're done, Cameron passes you a cup and you pour the ice old drink in, sort of spilling a little. 'Damn! I spilt some'
'Don't worry, we'll clean it up'

Next it was Camerons turn. He places his fruit into the blender with some ice and presses the button. All of a sudden the lid flies off and the smoothie goes all over you. Your hands let go off the cup and it smashes on the floor. You laugh and chuck slices of leftover fruit at him, he ducks and throws some at you. 'Look what you did Cameron!'
'Don't you dare laugh, i'll get you back' you and Cameron have a food fight and then you start making out. :)

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now