Chapter 2: The Deal To Save My Second Family

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The Deal To Save My Second Family

For six weeks I had been eating their flesh and drinking their blood. Eventually, some neighbors got suspicious of the constant screaming noises and called the cops. I remember he was spoon-feeding me my mother's lower leg, when the cops came with a battle ram, busting down the door, screaming "Who's in here!"

By now my parents were well-done and missing half of their entire body. The man got captured, and I was sent to the nearest asylum for being accused of liking it.

Although I hated myself for it, I did like the taste a little bit. In those couple years, I had every treatment imaginable. I was drowning in medicine, therapy, and the occasional brain scan. My face was plastered on newspapers, the title always inaccurate: "Local Girl Eats Parents." I thought I couldn't live with myself anymore. Then I finally remembered what my mom said and let it go.

When they let me out, I moved back home to Berry Creek, only this time, I'm an orphan. It was extremely difficult to make friends in school. I tried my hardest to fit in, but when I ask to play with someone I always got this answer,

"No! Why would I want to play with a cannibal? Go away, before you decide to eat me too."

I went through a lot of therapy but, my favorite sessions was the child abuse group at the rehabilitation center, right next to the cemetery where my parents' graves are. I had friends there, they went through the same thing as me. Well, not exactly like me, but similar in a way that we can relate to each other to some degree. In other words, I felt like I belonged, in all my days I went there.

Being the youngest, the other six kids took care of me, like they were my family. They always talked of a brighter future for us nor, let vengeance consumed our decisions in life. I thought I was finally safe, finally home. But I was denied that fact long ago. Like my first family, some people wanted to kill them.

Turns out a rehab center was a hotspot for ex-patients and terrorists. Groups of men dressed in black stormed the rehab center with mp5s. In several minutes hundreds were dead. As luck would have it our room was in the back of the building, giving us time to hide. When they bust open the doors, by shooting the hinges, they saw all of us huddled in the corner, youngest in the back oldest in front. Immediately then shot our teacher, trying to set fear into our minds.

"Hello, children. How are you?" said a tall man with a wicked grin.

Looking at our lifeless teacher, I couldn't bear losing my family to bad people, not ever again. I push through the protection of my friends. Then I blocked the end of the barrel with my body, so the others would have a chance to escape.

I knew what was going to happen and I just wanted them to get a second chance. Unlike me, they may still have a life worth living for, at least I can die and they possibly live. However, in the back of my mind, I knew that to be false.

The man aimed and shot me without hesitation. His face had a face of a confused soul and evil. The bullet penetrated my skull right in between the eyes, I felt excruciating pain then, nothing.

I felt like I was falling into darkness, a void in which nothing could escape. I knew nothing could help me get out. I saw a light and started to drift towards it without thinking. I felt warm and carefree as I swam towards it.

A golden gate and clouds appear in front of me, followed by beautiful holy singing. The door slowly creaked open, allowing me to pass.

Realization then struck. "I am dead. I lost everything dear to me." I collapsed right before I entered the gates, crying. I cried for days or weeks, it felt years to me. I had lost everything I just gained after my parents' death. I was determined to cry forever or until my friends meet the same fate.

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