Chapter 21: War

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I stood where I was and used one of my tongues to grab my ax.

"Wow! That was Awesome Nicole!" Screamed Christopher.

"I never knew you can kick butt like that," announced Felicia in her usual loud voice.

That was way more relieving than you might think.

I looked at my friends with my extra eyes, "You're not afraid?" I spoke with the mouths on my arms.

Vanessa pulled on my tail that just regrown its arrow tip. I screeched, but that was all. The others jumped at the sudden sound.

"See? If you were dangerous than you would have clawed me."

"We saw everything, most importantly we heard everything. Your intentions were pure as you are," said Benjamin with a tone of utmost recurrence.

"The thing I'm most curious about is how do you see through all those eyes?" Asked Roxy.

I laughed. It sounded like an echo of different voices. They were all mine, however, it sounded creepy with different pitches.

They all stared at me, some at my face, others at my legs.

"We love you, but please never laugh like that again," asked Crocodile.

I closed all my mouths on my arms.

"Speaking of...this," Jackson turned towards Annabelle, "you could have let Nicole face his full strength. You could have taken over the world. Why did you side with us?"

We stared at Annabelle waiting anxiously for her answer.

Annabelle gave a long sigh, "let's gets things straight. If I'm to rule the world, I'll do it myself. I am nobody's servant. I wanted him to suffer at the hands of a little girl, to ruin his pride. They half full power thing, okay I didn't want Nicole to face him full strength. She wasn't prepared to go up against a full God."

Freddy gave a lunatic laugh, "Don't lie, you like us."

I thought Annabelle was going to kill him, however, she just frowned looking at Jackson on the other side

"We are pathetic."

"Why to say that?" questioned Jackson confused.

"I mean out of all the Spirit Anchors in history, we're stuck with an eleven-year-old orphan and her teenage hunter friends."

"Yeah sis, we really have formed sentimental feelings for these mortals. That being said, they are the most interesting group of human."

Her voice went deep "I didn't say That!" her face softened, "I'll give you some credit, they're sure are weird that's for certain."

I butted in, "See, I know you guys cared"

Annabelle looked into my lifeless eyes, "other than this once, I will deny I ever said anything remotely like this."

"So what about him?" asked Felicia staring at Balor trying to limp away, his head still bleeding.

Vanessa looked at my face, "You have to kill him.."

Realization struck. I open one of my mouths. This one was really squeaky, or it was just me, "Can't Annabelle or Jackson kill it?"

Jackson answered seriously, "Those who don't like get their hands dirty, have the most diseased hands. You have to kill him, only you!"

I opened another mouth, "Fine. But, I need to ask some questions first."

I walked over towards Balor just as he was about to grab the doorknob.

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