Chapter 7: Getting our Signature Weapons

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Getting our Signature Weapons

I started walking to the hatch while slowly turning into a half-cheetah. I made a deep growl, like when a lion stalks its prey. I have been told my eyes went glowing green with the creepiest smile they ever saw. By the time I climbed out of the hideout and gently place the trapdoor back in place, I fully transformed into a full cheetah and started running.

I ran all over the town by rooftop, I even went to neighboring cities. I couldn't find her anywhere. I had enough air after a few hours so, I went back to the base still as a cheetah.

"Balor hid her really good, he must be an expert kidnapper, one more thing we don't know about him." I casually jumped down into the hideout.

I saw that everyone was doing their own thing waiting for my return.

Bear came up to me holding a plate with two pizza slices on it. "You missed dinner Cheetah, I saved you some pizza but it's cold now," He said unfazed that he was talking to a wild animal.

"Excuse me, but if you want to go on a wild animal rampage... DON'T MAKE YOURSELF THE HEAD NEWS''!" yelled Jackson, he took a breath, "I know you are mad, but so are they," he waved her hand pointing at everyone now together in a group. "We need you to lead the search..." Jackson facepalmed, "First tell me what you were going to tell Fox know."

To let you know I didn't make the head news. Like I said before, the supernatural community makes shore unnatural Phenomenon go unnoticed by the general public. The only people who would see a safari cat would be those who look on sketchy websites. There is at least one-fourth of all towns population being made of supernatural creatures.

Annabelle came creeping up behind Jackson. I turned my attention to her than transformed back in a puff of smoke.

"Okay," I told out my drawing and unfolded it so the back faced up, "If I may go on a limb here, I wanting you to look and see if you can read any ancient language from the blood splatters."

Annabelle lifted one of her eyebrows, "You mean your parents blood?"

My heart sank again, "Don't remind me."

Annabelle took my drawing and examined the blood. I had to look away after she started smelling, then licking it.

"Yep, your hunch was right this is an ancient language. I need an about day to decipher it. Gather all the clues you have now. The more time we waste the more..." Annabelle properly though we already know what she was going to say.

She climbed into her section.

"Vennessa can handle herself, for now, it's not like she hasn't been through this before," reassured Bear.

I knew she could handle whatever comes her way for a little while, Vanessa is a tough girl, despite being handicapped.

"Okay, so everyone huddle together!" said Raccoon.

Everyone did as asked.

"Let's collect clues." Raccoon put her hand in the center, then the others followed.

"Call of the animals!" I cheered.

"Animals we are!" said everyone else altogether.

We all searched the hideout frantically for any clues. After about an hour of looking we came up with five clues, he said "The Riddle", he stole Annabelle's doll-limb collection, his name is Balor, his minions are called Fomorians, and his weakness/strength is his third eye.

"Okay I have a plan for everyone, tonight I'll go see if I could negotiate with the werewolf."

"The same womanizer wolf that only speaks if you give him a lap dance?" Jackson interrupted.

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