Chapter 11: A New Human Friend

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A New Human Friend

That night I dreamt about darkness, pure darkness engulfing my surroundings. I could still see my body when I look down, But as I moved my head around, it was like I was in a pure black room. Than Roxy and Vanessa walked towards me, arms extended. I stretch forward to pull them away from the darkness. I felt unbearable pain, more intense than the last dream, on every step they talk together towards me.

I heard a whisper in the background, though I can't make out the words. In between both of their heads, I saw an unfocused red light. I focused on it and saw a pair of glowing eyes. After moments of staring at the eyes, Vanessa and Roxy moved away from my hand just as they were about to touch my fingertips. It was like they were on a conveyor belt going back towards the void. Their faces scared to death of what the darkness contains.

The whispers became a voice, a voice I have forgotten long ago, a voice I didn't want to hear again, a voice I only heard once in my life. It was giving a command I couldn't refuse, the same exact voice I heard when I made my contract to become a Spirit Anchor. It commended, "If you want to keep all your friends, you need to listen to me... KILL THE ROGUE GOD CALLED BALOR!!!"

Raccoon and Cobra had gone out of my sights by the time I can to my senses, screaming in unison "help me! Help me! HELP ME!! HELP US! NICOoole!"

I awoke screaming, "Vanessa, Roxy don't go!"

I looked down and saw that I was in my bed, sweating while gasping to catch my breath.

Benjamin jumped out of his bed in his Pj's towards mine, making a large thud. This woke up everyone else, especially Freddy, who sleeps on the bottom of the bunk bed with Bear on the top.

"Nicole, are you okay?" asked Benjamin worriedly.

"Yeah, some people need their beauty sleep." moaned Jackson four bunk beds down.

"Don't be rude. Nightmares are common among humans," said Crocodile with a dull tone.

"She's not..ouch!" Annabelle pulled Jackson down on the floor causing him to hit his head on Roxy's bed.

"You woke me up, stupid Unichrist!" screamed Annabelle.

"Watch it, Jackson, Roxy won't appreciate her bed being messy if," she quickly corrected herself , "when, when she gets back." said Eagle surprised and disappointed that she even thought of saying "if" in front of me.

Jackson ignored Flessia's statement and said, "It's not my fault, Annabelle through me..."

"Excuses, excuses," interrupted Freddy, "you're the one who woke up Fox"

"By now all the younger kids are awake now," I said getting out of bed.

"Out of curiosity, what was your dream about?" asked Bear.

I explained the dream to the best of my ability. I told them everything about the girls and most importantly the voice.

"It was like a cold icy voice. I only heard him once before when I died and become the Spirit Anchor."

I rather not explained what happened when I died to them. If I did, Jackson would kill me.

(Speaking of the devil,) Jackson said angrily, "Ah, I should have known he would show his disgusting influence sooner or later!"

"Who?" all of us asked.

"My father," announced Annabelle.

We all look as if we see a ghost.

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