Chapter 12: Getting Roxy in Trouble with the Student Council

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Getting Roxy in Trouble with the Student Council

The next day was pretty normal with all the states and the witch project I'm doing with Thomas. The only thing that was different was the vice president, real president in Roxy's absence, of the student council pull me out of math.

We walked in silence until we went into an unused classroom adding to the council already inside for this period. Then he spoke after seeing if he locked the door,

"We'll get right to the point, shall we," he nodded at the other members, "Don't think we know about your poser gang ripping off The Call of the Animals, trying to give them a bad rep. Everyone knows that those people were animal mask and full body cloak to hide."

What the nerd was saying is true, when we were young and just started to get our powers I demanded we wore cloaks when patrolling the streets, on rooftops no less. We wore black cloaks with sleeves so people couldn't see our scars on our bodies, even Vanessa with her crutches wore the mask and cloak. You can believe our bodies being anything but normal. If we didn't wear them, we would pick out like oranges in an apple basket.

Believe it or not these kids made me decide to bring them back after this. I guess it's better to hide your identity and be presided as cowards instead of not wearing them, and be called monsters.

"We have been worried that Roxy and that other girl, Vanessa was it, gone missing because of the real gang."

I smiled at how wrong they were, instantly I changed my tone to annoyed and angry, "Look I don't know what you are talking about. Just because we're a little tense doesn't mean we're part of a gang or anything. Roxy and Vanessa just wanted a break for all their bullying they had in school and out in public. Talk about judging us from our past just like everyone else." I shifted to a matter-of-factly tone, "Besides if you watch the news like normal people instead of in your books, you would have know that specific group is supernatural vigilantes."

The convention went right to the point after that, the nerds apologized quickly, not like the thought of being locked inside a room with an angry cannibal. I walked out knowing I convinced the whole council we are not part of a gang posing as The Call of the Animals, Roxy and Vanessa are excused from further questions, and my gang/cult look like the good guys. Sometimes I scare myself of how convincing I am.

I kinda feel bad because crime went through the roof after I became The Spirit Anchor. I being here attached all kinds of creatures like the lap dance loving werewolf. At least my friends and I are helping with supernatural crime like walkers.

The next day went quicker than expected, nothing strange, well stranger happened until Thomas stopped us as we were walking back to the orphanage together.

"Hey Nicole!" yelled Thomas trying to catch up to us. Everyone made giggling noises.

"He's just my partner for a project," I reassured them.

"Yeah sure and that same person is the only one you sit at lunch." Felicia nagged.

My face went red, "Shut.. oh hey, Thomas! How are you?" Thomas had just caught up to us.

"Good. Can I speak to you for a sec?" Thomas said out of breath.

A motioned everyone else to continue without me.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the project at the or.."

"Library!" I interrupted. That last thing I want is to bring an outsider to the orphanage.

"Okay, we'll go to the library," he said with a puzzled tone, "let me just call my parents."

Parents, what a lovely thought.

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