Chapter 8: Our Fight Against Each Other

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Our Fight Against Each Other

I couldn't sleep that night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Cobra wheel up to me, hand extended. I reach out to grab it, but she disappeared. Then, I felt the pain of death, and every time for the past few days it gets more intense each time.

This is my worst nightmare, losing one of my friends and letting them pass through to the spirit world.

After hours of tossing and turning, I woke up to find out I'm the last one in our room. Everyone was already in the abandoned parking building. I appreciated them for not waking me up, however leaving me by myself was kinda rude. Even Jackson and Annabelle left me all alone. Annabelle I can understand, but Jackson! That was extremely annoying.

All of the members of The Call of the Animals sleep in the same room. The room consisted of four single sized bunk beds, one regular single mattress bed, two closets; one for boys, one for girls, and a door to the only bathroom all of us are allowed to use. Yeah, we don't live in a palace nor, a large enough living space to fit nine people.

I walk downstairs after getting dressed in a light green tank top and one of those ripped style shorts that looked like they used to be pants, with a pink jeweled butterfly on my butt. I also customized it so there is a zipper in the middle of the butterfly where my tail would stick out if I was to transform. I know I don't have any fashion sense, but I think it's fine. Just deal with the mental image in your delic....I mean delightful minds. (whew! That was close Nicole.)

"Looks like someone was left behind," said Miss. Wafit, catching me at the bottom of the stairs. "Don't worry, I saved some breakfast for you, although the other children did get mad."

"Thanks," I said running towards the dining table.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you have been very restless lately. Have the other kids at school looked into your past..."

The other orphans don't make fun of our pasts because even if there's aren't as terrible as our, they are still orphans nevertheless. I can't tell her about anything supernatural, the less she knows the better. I just looked down, nodded and began to eat soupy porridge. However, she does know about some things.

"...Vanessa hasn't come back in days. She must have been bullied the most lately because of being handicapped. I not saying she's not tough or anything, on the contrary, she is pretty strong, but I'm just worried that she ran away from the orphanage," said Miss. Wafit, depressed.

"She'll come back, The Call of the Animals will make sure of that!" I slurped the rest of my porridge, then ran to the abandoned warehouse.

Yeah, she knows about our little group name.

"You're late Cheetah" Yelled Crocodile angrily as I walked up to them in the abandon parking lot.

From the looks of it, he was saying what the others thought but didn't want to say.

"I know, I just wanted to eat someone before I got here." I lied.

They all rolled their eyes and took out their weapons. Annabelle clapped softly, Jackson then gently pushed her hands down, shaking his head no. It's only natural that afterward, she decided to decapitate him, with her newfound curved machetes.

"Don't lie about committing a sin," said Jackson's head.

This may disturb some people, but heads talking is kind of an occupational hazard when Annabelle is evolved.

"Sorry, it was a bad joke. I just had trouble sleeping last night. I also spoke to Miss. Wafit." I apologized. I clapped my hands this time, "Enough of sappy sentiment, time to train!"

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