Chapter 10: Me, a "Normal" Middle School girl

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Me, a "Normal" Middle School girl

We popped up in Weasel's shadow made from the light of the candles that light up our base. Sorry, forgot to tell you but, I pretty sure you figured it out by now, we have no electricity so we had to use scented candles to light up the room (and mask the smell of decay as a bonus). Weasel perplexed, kept touching his shadow trying to go through it. I decided to go in front of the table to face everyone and explain everything about what happened.

"It's all my fault that she's gone," I said now back to normal. "They kidnapped Roxy!" Blood poured on my checks.

Crocodile slapped me across the face, "It's all our faults! Don't hold the blame all to yourself, Nicole! We are here for each other! Remember, rule seven: If it's one animal's problem then it is the whole herd as well!"

Eagle cried, "He's right it was my fault if I realize it sooner..!"

"Stop it both of you!" roared Bear.

"Okay, okay, What's in the case exactly?" questioned Weasel out of topic.

I moved out of the way, now looking towards the table with everyone else. Eagle slammed the case on the table, potentially breaking in half, it didn't thank God. Weasel went over to Raccoon's section.

Her section consists of stacked books arranged in alphabetical order on an old towel covering the floor to the left, a bulletin board with numerous building blueprints in town on the wall, and on the ceiling numerous makeshift thieving tools, below Annabelle's ledge.

He took a makeshift lock pick, made out of wood from the ceiling and gave it to Jackson. I can't believe he hasn't checked the case yet, I guess he just wanted me to be there for the reveal. That being said, Freddy is called Weasel for a reason.

The case opened with a loud click inside was skin, muscles, chopped up bones and other unidentified flesh and blood.

"Ew!" They all said in disgust, trying to hold in their vomit, besides the supernatural creatures of course. Our mouths were drooling in front of this dlic.. disgusting pile of meat.

This is another reason why I hate not being human.

Crocodile asked, "Do you think this is..?"

"NO!" interrupted Jackson.

He walked towards me, lifted up my shirt a little, talk out a fork, and handed it to Annabelle. She stuck it into the case looked at the bloody flesh on the utensil. Then she ate it with one bit,

"It's not Venessa or Rocky so don't worry. It's too tough to be a girl's. "

Annabelle chewed a little longer, suddenly she gagged. Annabelle took out a silvery-blue hair. "ugh...Werewolf hair!" she made a sour face as Annabelle dropped the hair.

Weasel picked up the silver hair and escorted it to his station. Here you can find a fold up table with a mini science lab completely, disorganized and just overall a complete misalliance of chemicals within beakers. There is also a microscope below the table on a box labeled in a sloppy hand riding: Science Tools.

He bent down, lifting up the microscope with his left hand, placing it on the table. With his right he held the hair rubbing off Annabelle's saliva with his thumb, he then opened the box and through the lid. Jackson caught it and gave his a "hurry up" look. Weasel lifted a palm size bag, opened it with his teeth, and placed the hair inside. He moved the bag to his other hand. The rest I couldn't see because of Freddy's puffy, curly red hair that looks twenty years too out of fashion.

"Okay. Why did Balor give us this?" asked Bear.

"A threat!" Our heads shifted towards Annabelle, "He probably thinks that is could scare us into leaving him alone!" screamed Annabelle with her upside down face on.

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