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There is something about you,That has made its place in my heart

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There is something about you,
That has made its place in my heart.
I can't describe with words,
The response of my own.
There is something about you,
That makes me smile everyday.
I am not a person with hope,
But you give me strength every minute.
There is something about you,
That makes me dance like crazy.
I want to fly for a thousand days,
Just to be in your arms.
There is something about you,
That makes me want to show my weakness.
Just want to lay my lead on your shoulder,
And cry for my sleepless nights.
There is something about you,
That makes me possessive.
I never stood up for myself,
But I want to stand to never let you go.
There is something about you,
That just connects straight to my heart.
Baby if I am given a choice,
I would never let us fall apart.
The something is you and your soul,
I am ready to give up million gems,
Just to hold the gold of your heart.

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