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Thousand words for you were written,
Hoping to reach you,
Through the glances of my eyes.
The matter of three words,
Failed to stop you there.

I am determined to call you,
Tell you everything in my heart.
Your laugh bothers me,
Your hold on my hand bothers me,
You kissing my head bother me,
Looking in my eyes and saying it's alright, The answer to your sight,
Yes you do bother me.

You hold some power on me,
I could stop every second,
If you just smile.
The tears you stray,
They are my enemies,
I stuck my head on doors to make you laugh.

Don't bother telling me what's wrong,
Just press a pause,
And lay in my arms.
I would give my strength to you,
To make you strong,
And to believe in you.

Just for a while and this very instant,
let me be your hero,
And take away everything,
Ever to reach you for pain.

Sounds so magical yet so ordinary,
Its love, my dear,
It always hold a chance

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