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I think I see you,I know I do

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I think I see you,
I know I do.
Wasn't it suppose to heal with time?
Then why it is still bleeding?
The skin is peeling,
The yellow it stains.
Feeling were meant to be easy,
Why did it destroy me half?
Almost to happiness,
Then to the doomed life again.
Will it change if I think again,
Because I am doing that loud.
The light to make a path,
Find me a way back home.
Then why my path is dark and away?
And yours is set for light that shines.
Will my complaining hurt again,
Shove to think about you again.
A feeling to hold my life again,
Or the worst would be to love you again.
I am feeling again,
I am living again,
Trying to be safe again,
But now I think,
It's time to be hurt again.

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