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I didn't see the light around,
Neither did I believe in fancy nights.
My life was not a perfect dance script,
Falling off and off until I broke myself.
I don't idolize my parents,
For all I know I never received their love.
But the farthest part started,
When you entered my life.

Being a hero you had to save me.
In my whole part,
When did you get involved?
Seems like the cherry to my pie,
Just the last crayon,
There to save my drawing.
In the picture of thousands,
You smile trapped me.
A million dollars for you,
A lifetime won't be enough.

Be my moon not my son,
I don't need your shine,
Just need your peace.
The sun shines the light,
And the moon loves the soul.
You hold my soul,
It's yours to create more.

Never loved anyone the way I do to you,
Neither do I think I would.
Laying the night on the grass,
I knew you were my shine.

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