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Smiling to you from my window,
Then, blushing behind the curtains.
This was the first page,
The time where our story starts.

Too cliché some may say,
But you were a person to fall for on very first sight.
Those baby blue eyes,
And that heart crushing smile,
You were everything I ever wanted.

Walking to school the next day,
You said hi,
I think the world did stop.
Never a word occurred,
Those eyes of yours hold magic.
Stammering and then running,
Don't think I can embarrass myself anymore.

Then some days passed,
Some with glances and winks,
You make me blush like this is your very right.
The night my parents went out,
You came home looking for some sugar,
As dumb as this may sound,
Standing at my door,
You made me fall in love with you.

Can't argue won't even try,
That day you made sure I was yours.
The way you touched my soul through my lips,
I don't think I can ask for anything more.

Now, thirty years later,
I am still a fool of your smiles and your eyes.
I stand in our kitchen waiting for you,
You wrap your hands around my waist,
Holding my breath,
I turn back,
Just to find another chapter to begin with,
If you just hold my hand.

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