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Every morning you are one in my mind,
Not that I mind,
But you are crushing me inside.
Knowing that those smiles that lights up my day,
Will never be mine.

I long for the everlasting hope,
I am not a coward,
I know there is no way for me to move any further.

You entered my heart and dug a hole there,
I know you are responsible for my tears every night,
But I don't think I can cut you out.
Sometimes I see the flicker in your eyes,
They look like they are calling for me,
But what a fool I am,
To think that they even see me.
I dance to my shadows tonight,
While you talk to someone I have never seen aside.

Opposite attracts they do say,
One side I do follow,
Why don't you know?
I am different from you,
I stay back home,
While you will dance on the music tonight.
Don't have many friends,
Can say any,
While you talk to everyone except me,
Like you have known them forever.

A stupid girl to crush on you,
This heart never stops.
In this heartless world,
You are the one that is keeping me ahead.

Just for once,
Let me make a fairy tale,
Don't I deserve to have one?
Have a moment we share,
To weave and hold on to the stars.
Just once make me a story and a chapter,
For the breathtaking love and the stars tonight.

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