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There are powers in some people,
They can love you yet break you to end.
They lay your way,
Without even your hoping.

Beautiful are those people,
They make you wanna smile, learn, laugh, Fall,
And then walk again.
A time in my life made me wonder again,
I got a reason to smile again.
Everything in me wanted to stop you,
Wanted to fall on my knees and beg you.
Still I stood there with a stone instead of a heart,
Letting you go was my sin after all.

Why didn't I let the sunshine be with me?Why do I have to blow every candle that shoves me to brightness?
The tears don't stop,
Every one of them calls out your name.

I don't blame you baby,
All you did was love me with all you got,
I was the one who couldn't just let you in.
You weaved every part of my torn heart,
Making a picture ever to be referred as grace.
I despise myself,
Every step you took back,
Makes me wanna hurt myself.

I don't deserve your love,
You need someone to dance with you in the rain,
To hold your hand and say it's alright,
To stand there and just look in your eyes.
I can't do it,
I am already a dull path you never wanna cross,
Still, you started walking,
I can't let you do so.

You are beautiful in every single sight,
My soul holds you,
Still wanna call you,
But I want you to live, love and be loved,
To let you find someone to love you the way you loved me.

Cause darling, this was our story,
Never there will be one happy ending,
Not because there were no love and magic,
But because the princess was too doomed to be saved.

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