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Cruel is to what they say,
Thick as ice so is in their heart.  

Not a footprint, not a hand,
To pull me through these clouds of doubt.

My defeat doesn't bother them,
Instead they show their smiles.

They talk about love,
Do they even know how it is felt?
Glanced and raised behind these motions,
I know how to feel.
The howling wind calls for me,
Leaving me through isolation,
Lead for a crown.

There words don't seek me,
But their actions do.
Try to conceal it,
Hide it or stop it,
That's how I feel right now.
Beauty through your grace,
It thaws the power of your dullness.

Though I don't see a light,
My hopes will never stop.
They don't know what they want,
Always been the kind and the forgiving of all.
The heavens now watched,
The way they broke me down.
Why do I have to keep it inside?
The bitter truth crawling in my senses.

The bitter reality of this lie,
They care,
Where are they,
When I am about to die.

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